Time travel madness

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(-SCREEEEE, IM TEMPTED AFTER ALL THESE YEARS- and also because of the time travel AU's i see on Tumblr- -)

You were coming over to Shoutmon's cave to hang out with your two friends, though when you got there...it seems nobody was there other than the dragons...

You know they both has other worldy things they have to mess with, you understand that since you did get involved in it before...like getting attacked by a gem monster before-

But yeah, you might have to wait for a bit.....
Youre a little curious about it...and it is mostly Steven's problems...you wanted to help him even more!-


You heard a noise coming from the Warp Pad library, someone was laying there unconscious
you went there immediately with your dragon. But then the schock and fear washed over you....

It was Steven....but...more small?

What is happening?

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