How to tame your Dragon

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(-this is a crossover rp between 2 dragon franchises, one dead one still living on. Whoever wants to rp this you have to make some sacrifices by roleplaying as some of the riders whule im going to do the httyd enjoy!...i think?-)

Lately you have been seeing werid things going on...not that Yutakan isnt weird enough with Monsters and talking dragons but....
You and half of the town have been seeing boats that doesn't seem like it belongs to the Dwarves, Elves, or even Yutakan itself

Those boats are always seen outside the borders of Yutakan, anytime it tries to come closer Aeuros or one of the Ancient Divine Dragons will ward them off... usually they dont do that...and you feel like those boats have ill intent

Some say those boats are Dragon Hunters...though it was never confirmed...but ever since the Ancient Divine Dragons and Aeuros been warding them starts to feel like those are dragon hunters...but they wont stand a chance again Yutakan!....would they?

Days after the town saw those boats, you were hanging around Shoutmon's beach...oddly Lewis was outside today
Before you notice it you see some figures in the air slowly getting closer to cant make out what it was but it seems the figures are Dragons with tamers on them?...

It began to slowly approach the beaches. Lewis began to get aggressive and shot at them...but it the black dragon swiftly dodged Lewis's attack as it slowly landed

You backed away as your dragon's and Lewis went into a protective/aggressive mode

What you assumed the black dragon's tamer got of the dragon as they opened their mask...

(-again i warn you i might only do the HTTYD Dragon's. But i will try to do the riders too-)

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