Steven gets digimons

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So uh- i have an AU idea that will never come in play (-for now-)
So i might as well share it-

So uh- i have an AU idea that will never come in play (-for now-)So i might as well share it-

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Like the title says, Steven gets digimons!So it takes place post-The Future (DV2 AU or not, your choice) while Steven is on his self-discovery roadtrip

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Like the title says, Steven gets digimons!
So it takes place post-The Future (DV2 AU or not, your choice) while Steven is on his self-discovery roadtrip...

And then he hears this... Odd melody suddenly piercing his ears, calling out for help
Stratled, he stepped on the breaks and got out of his car and looking around

On the side of the road he saw 2 small holographic creatures, emanating yellow/gold particles
And then it struck, those were Digimon

Fortunately, he listened to Shoutmon about Digimon Biology so he knew that if there are little melodies playing and yellow/gold particles floating around

It means they're fucking dying, and like the sensible guy he is, Steven swept them up(?) And tried to heal them

And it didnt work, He grew scared... He was about to contact Shoutmon before a bright light enveloped the hybrid before he even realizes what the hell is going on

Then a voice asked if he was willing the save/help them, and without thinking Steven answered yes

The voice then asked the hybrid his name "Steven Universe" the hybrid answered, its not like he's going to say Steven Quartz Cutiepie Diamond Demayo Universe, thats a mouthful-

Low and behold, the boy now has a Xros Loader (-idk the colour, maybe light blue or pink with star motives, idk gimme suggestions-), the creatures- no, the Digimon's launched itself inside of the Xros Loader subconsciously

And Steven who had no fucking idea what the fuck happened, proceeded to contact Shoutmon at last

This was his fault he didnt pay attention while his red dragon digimon friend was explaining about the digivice

(-for context, post-Change Your Mind or maybe earlier Steven begged Shoutmon to tell him about Digimon stuff and he didn't always pay attention or get distracted-)

And as soon as Steven mentioned about the Xros Loader and the two unidentified digimon's
Shoutmon freaked out thinking theres another war happening in the Digital World (-there may be a war... But thats undecided-)


• Palmon:
Palmon is a plant type digimon, He is a cheerful, optimistic, and childish digimon
He constantly reminds Steven about himself when he was younger
He's best pals with BlackAgumon who is the opposite of him

Palmon's movesets
Thorn Thrust
Poison Ivy
Healer's Heart
• Sleep Spores

Evolution line
Pabumon > Tanemon > Palmon > Kiwimon > Toropiamon (-Alternatively PetalDramon-)


BlackAgumon is a dark reptile digimon, unlike Palmon, BlackAgumon is quite, shy, and reserved digimon
He is distrustful towards Steven. The reason behind it is unknown
But despite personality differences, he is indeed Palmon's friend

BlackAgumon's moveset
• Spitfire
• Baby Flame
• Dynamite Kick
• Dangerous Kamukamu (デンジャラスカムカム)

Evolution line
Botamon > Koromon > BlackAgumon > Greymon (Virus) > MetalGreymon (Virus) > BlackWarGreymon (-Alternatively BlitzGreymon-)

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