i feel sad now-

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I just watched this episode (SUF episode 7)
And DAMN i feel like screech and cry at the same time
First off, Steven he's getting busy as heck ever since Little Homeschool was a thing
And i guess he turned into me every morning, still tired as shit- but push himself/myself to wake up even if  he/me is woozy
I dont think he eats breakfast anymore...and just drinks protein shake....which i dont wanna imagine what it tastes like-
Second, ever since Steven made the stuff above me as a routine. He spends less time with the gems...i wonder what he does at Little Homeschool...
But, as this routine of his loops the gems tries to hang out with him more
Making Together Breakfast (callback to season one)....and Steven rejects
And then Amethysr started Steven Tag
Since i dont even know they do it anymore
I forgot which episode Steven tag was introduced...
Amethyst tagged Garnet
And then Garnet tagged Pearl
And we never really see her shapeshift
But BOOM she finally joined in the Steven Tag fun
Then theres the Steven version
Sugelite (we only see her for one episode then never again-)
Sardonyx (appears a few times but isnt as often)
Opal (which only appeared on Giant Woman and during the Independent Together song in the Movie)
Aaaannnd last but not least Alexandrite (we barely see her tho-)
And then in the end Steven got tagged
And shapeshift into his S1 - S5  version
And damn i was shocked to realize how small he is-
And im suprised Steven kept his red shirts even if he barely wears ot anymore...i wonder if we'll see him wear those again during SUF...which i doubt actually-
Ok thats it
I dont know what else to say about the episode-

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