Turnabout Brothers

192 1 968

(-is the image upside down?-)

Victim of assault:Nathaniel Kudou
Defendant/client: Nicholas Panthera
Defense: OC or Phoenix/Apollo/Athena if you want
Prosecution: OC or Edgeworth/Klavier/Blackquill if you want
Witness: Detective Dreemurr, Nicholas Panthera, Nathaniel Kudou

•medical report [retrieved from the police/detective/hospital] "the victim was unconsious around 05.00 AM, the cause of unconsiousness was a hit to the head and blood loss from the shoulder"
•bullet [retrieved from the hospital] "the bullet that was pulled out of Nathan's shoulder, gives the flashbacks of Mr. Von Karma..."
•gun [retrieved from Prosecution/police] "the weapon was covered with the defendants fingerprints"

Crime scene:
Wright Anything Agency, 20 minutes after the assault occurs. The body was soonly found by Mr. Justice, who came early

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