Wright's "hater"

40 1 23

(-this is basicly based of a person that i saw in YouTube screaming or to be precise, commenting that Phoemix was a porn or drug addict...which is kind of.....odd-)

You just got back from Trial...which lasted the whole night
You basicly defended Phoenix because...some one accused him being a Drug addict and a fan of Pornography, which is pretty stupid
You know Phoenix for quite some time and you know he isnt a fan of Drugs or Porn
Seriously?! Think about the kids!
You were tired as hell! This is 5 AM in the morning, since the person who claimed Phoenix was a Drug and Porn addict keeps revising their testimony. They even said that they have video proof of it....which was some person with Phoenix's head edited on them...
The Judge and Prosecution (-its your choice who the Prosecutor is-) wasnt even convinced...
Phoenix got a Not Guilty verdict of course
You got inside the office and you were suprised Apollo and Phoenix was there!
This was the first time that they were here this early...usually the first person here was Nathaniel...wonder why he wasnt early as usual
An hour later, everyone heard 3 voices shouting from the outside
You looked out of the window to see Athena and Nathaniel shouting at someone, the person that was being shouted at was unknown since they were wearing a black hood over their head. The person soon fled before Nathaniel could pin them down (-dont think about "that-), his skills as a Bailiff hadnt shed yet but the person escaped before he could do anything

What was that about?

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