Appmon/DV2 AU/Ace Attorney headcanons

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(-excuse me i have drowned in Appmon for the time being- -)

• sometimes Gatchmon borrows Shoutmon's old case files (-without his permission-) and read through it....but he sometimes gets a little too curious and searches up people he doesnt know (-he does this in episode 1 on Haru, so dont take him as a creep-)

• and he even gets curious with the prodigy Prosecutor's acquaintances, mostly Apollo Justice. After repeatedly forcing Hackmon to help him to hack into the Government's data base (-no shit, in the anime Rei and Hackmon did just that to look for Hajime-)
And accidentally found out that Apollo was related to his buddy distantly-

• Gatchmon decided to keep it a secret but Shoutmon eventually forced him to spill the beans because Hackmon admitted the fact that they seen something they shouldn't have seen/read

• Hackmon rarely does this but, basicly hacks profiles for Monica (- AlexTheCool -) she shouldn't get used to is since theres a 9% chance that would happen

• ironically Eri and Athena would get along even if Eri is mostly all bark no bite when it comes to "Dokkan Punch" someone........except in an image on Tumblelr that had me wheezing

• but, long story short. Haru and Apollo found out....

• "holy fuck, what the heck, why didnt Shoutmon tell me about this sooner. All this time i thought i was alone but turns out he knew my distant relative but didn't tell me-"
~ one of the many thoughts Apollo had once he found out he was related to Haru

• "*insert internal screaming*"
~one of the many thoughts Haru had once he found out he was related to Apollo

• both of them gets concerned about eachother-

• Apollo having soo many dead family members sure does concern Haru.....alot

• Apollo is very concerned for Haru's well being after knowing he fought a motherfucking A.I that wanted to turn everyone into data, does he have PTSD- (-yes, in my canon he does- -)

• thankfully, Leviathan's take over somehow didnt reach over to Yutakan/Elysium/Metal Tower

• Shoutmon gets increasingly concerned knowing Haru is related to Apollo, and basically knowing what happened to most of the defense attorney's family members-

• insert Trucy dragging Haru into being her assistant for the magic tricks
he doesnt mind until the tricks gets a little insane/dangerous

• Haru and Polly realize they both lost their best friends-
(-Clay died in a murder, and Yuujin being apart of Leviathan and has to sacrifice himself to save his friends-)

• they both get even more concerned about eachother

Boa, Apollo's Phyton Dragon. Accidentally showed Haru Apollo's gore mangas and results with him getting nightmares for 4 days-

Mizuki nags at Boa for causing it

• Apollo freaking realizes his distant cousin/relative has sharp deductive skills-

Haru is now involved in helping investigation's in the WAA out of his own will- ....perhaps-

• jfc Nick- also the Appmons is also involved for protection sake

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