FallenVerse Drabble (-1-)

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(-Admin's note: please dont take this seriously, im bored...alot of roleplayers are dead. And i want to write a story...soo here i am...making Universaltale more insane...despite the contents it already has-)

Admin's P.O.V
Soo...here we are...in the battle zone where everything should end...
While you think it must be easy to defeat this "Demon" ...but no...they knew what we were all doing. So guess what? They gathered their own "friends" as well
While as we speak here...chaos is all over the place, portals were cracking open all over the place, some of our side universes had "fallen", even the Dark Dragon World monsters were destroying everthing
And how about the representives you ask?
Sans was the first one to be "fallen", Shoutmon is still fighting back...due to his instincts, Drum is heavily injured so we have to send him back to his universe, and Lewis...dead...Arthur reported this a while ago when one of the Dark Dragon Wolrd monsters hit him back to his universe
While the Xros Heart? Everyone as always fought back with their great amount of determination. Of course Tagiru made his appearance once more
Then what happened to me?
"Stay back Demon!" Cyclonemon shouted at the demon, still trying to stand his ground no matter what
"My my...still not giving up?" "They" said
Cyclonemon breathed heavily trying to stay awake from the tiredness he had achieve trying to fight back
Then in a blink of an eye. Poof Cyclonemon is no more than a dust of data flying away
"Giga Blaster!" MetalGreymon shouted but it was useless..."They" still stood their ground. As if nothing we do will work
"Just give up~" They said
"I wont! Until you break your leg" MetalGreymon replies gruffly, but...one slice from the knife "They" were wielding...is something more than a Giga Blaster...
Poof, there goes MetalGreymon...
Garurumon and me were on the hook, the Demon keeps on coming closer and closer...it was our demise was it?
Then came a painfull scream, it was none other than Shoutmon protecting us
Garurumon was shooked in terror as the Digimon King's right eye was bleeding data, still staying still in our spot a portal opened under Shoutmon and flung him somewhere into a different universe
"Go!" Garurumon said with a heavy huff
"W-where?!" I replied, still panicking
A portal then cracked open behind us, that was luck since were in a dead end...
"N-no! No way! I wont leave you!" I said
Garurumon then in a hesitated sigh said "im sorry...but i guess... this is where we'll part ways..."
Garurumon kicked me with his hind legs, for some weird reason didnt harm me
I watched in fear as the portal started to close, Garurumon dusted into data
The Demon gave me a glare as if that we will meet again...
A hard surface hitted my back, it was a wall in the alleyway. I quickly stand up and hit against the wall that i came from
Clearly sobbing...
"Please! Garurumon! No!" I said loudly
I then slumped my back against the wall that i thudded into, sliding onto the floor to realize a wound on my leg
While im trying to figure what to cover it up with, i looked at the bright familiar yellow scarf on my neck

"Im sorry GD...but sacrifices needs to be made..." i whispered as i slowly cover my wound on my leg
I began to slowly stand up, even if it stings to do so
I began to limp my way out of the alley, only for my eyesight to blur, as i finally reached to the end of the alley
I fell unconscious onto the cold floor
As my vision blurs out...three somewhat familiar figure looked at me
A light brown, gray, and black haired children were there...looking at me...
As my consciousness began to fade...

Everything went blank

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