part 26; graduation

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kenma's POV:

If someone tries to tell you that college is any fun, make sure you slap them across the face because they're lying. I'm used to being the outcast, but in high school I at least had some friends to keep me somewhat company and volleyball after school. It's great not to have anything to do afterwards though. And while I'd like to play games all afternoon, those geezers at school assign a shit ton of work. I'm not exactly failing, but I'm also not passing with ease. I hate it here. I don't know how Kuro finds this 'fun'. 

your POV:

"Keep it up, boys!" Coach got me a new megaphone, and it's very fun. I watch as Lev trips on air and falls flat on his face and attempt to stifle a laugh and end up making this weird explosive noise instead. I pat the shoulder of this girl's name that I forgot next to me. I went scouting for a new manager a few days ago, and this awkward first year was the only one I could find. She stares at me as I yell at the boys.

"Don't they get mad at you if you do that?" she cowers in the corner. 

"No? That's kinda our job,"

She gulps and nods. Someone like that's not going to make a good manager. I try not to roll my eyes and instead stare straight ahead. Lev's nose is bleeding. I sigh and tell coach Nekomata that I'll take him to the nurse. I pass the bullhorn to the girl.

"Just yell if you see them slacking," 

As Lev and I walk,  I feel a sense of inferiority standing next to him. 

"Why are you so tall?" 



"What? No,"

"Freak," I grumble and stare at my feet. 

Lev laughs it off and starts whooping.


"I am aware," 

"You sound like Kenma-san when you talk like that," 

I tense up, but Lev doesn't seem to notice.


time skip

kenma's  POV (again):

The first year of college was tough, but it's finally over. I skim through some instagram accounts of the graduated third years from Nekoma, and my mind wanders to a place I don't like very much. I  wonder what y/n's doing. I decide to allow myself to look at her newest post and then go right back out. 

She seems to be out with some friends at night. 3 other girls that I'm guessing she met in college. I squint. It's dark, so it's hard to tell, but her hair's not the color it used to be. It's her natural (h/c) instead of the electric purple. It's longer, too, though I guess that's to be expected. It's not so messy, and she's wearing a skirt. It's not even the type of skirt she would wear even if  she was forced to. I stare a little, half thinking that I'm looking at the wrong person, but it's still her. It's so different now. She's still pretty, but for some reason, her changing sort of hurts. Like she's abandoning herself. It's not personal to me, but my paranoia and overthinking leads me to the conclusion that it just means she's over it. Over everything we've been through, over high  school, over us. And I can't say the same about me. It's like I'm stuck in some sort of time loop, constantly repeating past events over and over in my head. Pathetic. 

Even though I promised myself one picture only, I continue scrolling, and find myself oddly happy that there aren't any photos of a potential boyfriend. Still weird, though. Thought she told me she likes having guys for friends better than girls most of the time. 

I shrug the thought off and put my phone away. Enough. 
She isn't thinking  about me. Why would she, when everyone's already been replaced? All her friends. All her interests. Soon, she's gonna forget about me too. I sigh and step off the platform and onto the train headed to Tokyo. Thankfully, we won't be in the same city, so I don't have to worry about running into her anywhere. I turn on my phone once more, and open discord. Being the pathetic and clingy loser that I am, I let myself look at her profile. The profile photo of Riven from league of legends is gone, and now it's a picture of her and one of her friends, and they look oddly alike. Both with makeup, long hair, and fake smiles. I sigh again. She disconnected her Steam, too. And her recent activity on it is nonexistent.
Why is she doing this?
I thought she was happy with her old self. Maybe she couldn't find anyone at her new school that liked her? I shake my head. Impossible. How could anyone not? I cringe at myself after realizing how stupid I sounded in my head. Fool. Get over it. Get over her. 

I hate this.

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