part 16; how cute

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your POV:

When we pull away, Kenma keeps his striking golden cat eyes trained on the floor. There's a ghost of a smile on his lips, and I'm sure I have one too. I close my eyes and stare into the sky. The rain drizzles lightly on my face, and I want to stay like this forever. With Kenma, on a little street. Out at night in the rain. Overdressed. Soaked. My heart pounds in my ears. 

"I-," Kenma starts to talk. 

"Hey, what do we have here?" a familiar voice from the back. "How cute. Kuroo's gonna love this,"

I cringe. 

"Geez, leave them alone, Bokuto-san. You're being creepy,"

"Aw, damnit, Akaashi. D'you have to be a buzzkill all the time?"  he complains.

"Yes, if you're being weird and invading other people's privacy," 

Kenma keeps his eyes on my face and starts to whisper.

"They're talking about us, aren't they?"


"Think we can run away?" 


We stand still, inches apart from each other and stare at the floor.  

"Bokuto-san, let's go," 

"No way!! This is fun,"

"You're being weird,"

"I am not," 

"Yes you are. We aren't welcome here. Let's go,"

Kenma chuckles a little and takes both my hands in his. 

"Hi, guys," he says boldly, still looking at his feet. 

"See, Akaashi? They don't mind,"

"Actually, you're being really creepy," I say. 

Akaashi snorts under his breath, but quickly covers it up with a long cough. 

"Say, Kozume Kenma, do your friends know about this?"


I turn around and Bokuto is pulling his phone out. 

"Do it again!!" he squeals like an excited six year old.

Akaashi shakes his head and walks back onto the main street. 

"I'm heading home now. I don't want to take part in your bizarre hobby of sneaking up on people you barely know,"

Bokuto 'grrr's and continues screeching at us. 

"Again! Again! Again!" 

I look at Kenma and he lifts his chin to meet my eyes. 

"He's crazy," Kenma mutters under his breath. 

"I agree,"

"Hey, what are you guys whispering about? Secrets? I LOVE secrets! Hey, don't roll your eyes at me, y/n!!! Kiss again so I can show Kuroo!!" 

"Kuro's my best friend. You really think he wouldn't know?" Kenma's quiet voice breaks Bokuto's loud fuming. 

"I- uh. Hmm. That is a good point. I DON'T CARE, THOUGH, SO YOU SHOULD KISS AGAIN!" 

"I don't think he's going to go until we do it," I say softly.

"That is a good excuse," 

"You think?" 


This time, I take a step forward and our lips meet for the second time tonight. He wraps his arms around my waist and I fling mine around his neck. Though it's not the first time, this one is just as nerve wracking and electric as the one before. 

"WOOHOO!!" Bokuto shouts from behind. 

"What a weird hobby," Kenma whispers into my lips. I nod. 


Our lips part and our foreheads touch. I can see him smile in the dark. 

"Bokuto, please don't do anything with it yet," 

Kenma and I still have stuff to go over. It'd be weird if the photo got out and we weren't officially together. 

Even though he's sort of out of his mind, Bokuto nods. 

"Three hours. Then Kuroo gets copy," he runs onto the main street. "AKAASHIIII!!! I GOT A PHOTOOOO," 

I laugh as his shadow disappears into the street.  

"So..." Kenma stares at his hands. "I like you too?"

"Really? Didn't notice," being coy is fun. 

"Thought so. I'm kinda a good actor,"


My phone buzzes and there's a pending friend request from what seems to be Akaashi. I approve and he starts to type. 

akaashi: hi this is akaashi

akaashi: i would like to apologize on behalf of bokuto for his stupidity

I show the texts to Kenma and he starts to laugh. 

y/n: its ok

y/n: but thanks for trying to inject some sanity into that boy

akaashi: anytime

akaashi: also bokuto wanted your user

akaashi: i gave it to him

akaashi: i hope you dont mind

y/n: thats ok

A second later,  a pending friend request from Bokuto pops up on my screen. I approve and he immediately attaches a photo. 

bokuto: 3 ours

y/n: *hours

I open the photo. There's rain falling a little, and it blurs the image, but you can still see it. Kenma and me, soaked, kissing. Just looking at it makes me blush. The situation we were in was awkward, but the photo looks almost euphoric. I save it to my camera roll and nudge Kenma on the arm a little and show him the photo. 

"I like how my face looks in this," he grins.

"But you can barely see- wait. ohhh.  funny," 

"Send it to me?"


We start to walk back onto the main street we were on. His hand slips into mine and we walk in silence. 

"Soooo," I start to mumble.

"Tonight was fun,"

I nod. "Kenma, have you ever dated anyone?" 

He laughs. "No, you're the only person who's ever liked me like that,"

"So just in case I really am the only girl who's ever and ever will show interest in you, how does being able to brag about a girlfriend sound?" I realise that I sound mildly insane, but I ignore the part of me that's cringing and look dead into Kenma's eyes. 

"That," he says, staring back at me with a flirty smile. "Sounds great,"

Then it happens again. One step closer, eyes dancing, sparks everywhere, and then he kisses me again. This time, the timidity is gone. Conformation about our status seemed to give both of us confidence, because his hands are going through my hair and my arms are wrapped around him. We stay that way until the rain starts to fall again. 

"We'd better get going," we pull away and I look at Kenma's face. His golden eyes are shining, and his lips are red and raw. 

"Yeah," I probably ruined my mom's boots, but it was worth it. 

𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄. kenma kozume x readerWhere stories live. Discover now