part 13; torture tool

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y/n's POV


What does 'wear something nice' mean? I stare at my reflection and groan. My hair sticks out in weird clumps, and I look really bad. I squint at myself one more time and stomp into the shower. My friends from Miyagi in junior high liked to give interesting gifts on my birthdays. I dig through an old box that I kept the gifts in. I find a round stick thing that I recognise as a hair curler. It's a metallic rainbow chrome thing, and it hurts to look at. It resembles some sort of torture tool. I rip open the packaging and take a photo. 

y/n sent a photo

y/n: risking my life for u 

y/n: w this heated torture stick

kenma: you flatter me

y/n: this is the part where u tell me how much you'd miss me if i die

kenma: right

kenma: please dont die 

y/n: there u go

y/n: if i die u can have my favourite pencil

kenma: epic

kenma: but try to stay alive

kenma: i want to see u one more time before u die 

kenma: then if you still plan on dying afterwards

kenma: call me and ill kill you myself

y/n: how sweet

y/n: you really are the gentleman arent u

kenma: yep

y/n: if i show up looking electrified

y/n: dont laugh at me it was probably traumatic

kenma: im not making any promises

kenma: but ill try

y/n: ok i gtg 

kenma: where

y/n: getting ready big brain

y/n: i still cant believe your making me do this

kenma: you wont regret it

y/n: i hope not

kenma: so this is for me ?

kenma: cute

y/n: stfu

I turn my phone off and dry my hair. I should probably watch a video on how to use the hair curler, but it looks pretty simple. Turn it on, wrap my hair around it, and let go. I stand in front of the mirror and impatiently and aggressively twirl sections of my hair around the curler. I stare at my reflection and laugh. It looks like a bunch of loose and unwinded corkscrews and springs. I shake my head and pull it up into a messy bun. I can take care of it later. I frown at the eyelash curler and use it the way I've seen other girls in the locker room do it. I pinch my lashes up, and I get some skin in between. 

"FUCK!! That hurts," I try again, this time with more success. I swipe mascara through my lashes and brush blusher onto my cheeks. I stare at myself in the mirror. I don't know what I was expecting, but I look pretty much the same. Except my eyelashes look a lot longer, and my face isn't the colorless ghost-looking thing it usually looks like. I shake my head at myself and giggle. I look almost normal now. I skip back into my room and open my closet. I own a grand total of two dresses. One was from my aunt's wedding when I was a bridesmaid or a flower girl or something. I felt like a cotton ball in it. The other one is a dress my friend from Miyagi persuaded me to buy. the sleeves and shape is like a t-shirt, but it's very tight. There are these scrunch-up ruched drawstring looking things on the sides. It's plain black and comes down to just above my knee. Most girls from school wear skirts much shorter than this, but I wear gym shorts most of the time and hope I don't get dress coded. So to me, the dress was very short. I roll my eyes for no apparent reason. It's not like I have any other option, so this very tight dress thing would have to do. I push in the gold knots and take down my hair and expect to see Medusa in makeup and a dress, but my hair hangs down in soft waves around my face and falls over my shoulders. The messy bun and pulling to get it out must have loosened the curls. A giddy laugh escapes my throat as I stare at my reflection in the closet mirror. It's a lot smaller than the one in the bathroom, but I can still see myself. I look almost....pretty?

"Y/N! GET IN HERE" my moms voice calls me to my bathroom and breaks me out of my momentary daze.


She points at the hair curler. I left it on, and it's made a burn mark on the sink ledge thing. 

"Oh shit. Sorry, Mom," I quickly unplug it and throw water onto the countertop. 

She finally looks up and realises I'm not in a baggy shirt. "Are you going somewhere?"



"I have no idea," 

"With who?" 


"And Kuroo?"


She raises an eyebrow at me. I can tell she wants to ask more questions, but she drops the matter.

"You look good," she smiles


"What are you going to wear on your feet?"

"Oh, uh. I..." I'd just assumed I would wear my gym shoes, but I realise now that they wouldn't work. 

"Wait here," she disappears into her room and comes out holding a shoe box. "I got these for myself a few weeks ago, but they don't fit me right. Maybe they'll fit you," She opens the lid. Inside there are these boots- they sorta resemble construction boots, but they're slightly more dressed up. They look like they're made out of black corduroy leather, and the rings around the laces are a rusty gold. I try them on. They fit well. 

"I know you won't wear heels. Even if you did, you would never be able to walk in them. I thought these might work," They're casual, but not too dressy either. They're perfect.

"Thank you, Mom. I love them," I really do. 

"Please take good care of them, those were not cheap," she smiles nervously and hands me a thin and dainty gold chain. "You don't own any necklaces, do you?"

I take it from her and fasten it around my neck. It hangs right above my collarbone. 

"I have that shark tooth necklace. And that chain thing I found on the sidewalk somewhere. And I probably have one or two of those half hearts with the friends forever sign on it from elementary,"

She sighs and shakes her head. "I meant nice necklaces," 

"Then nooope. But thanks for letting me borrow this one,"

She nods.

I nod and rush back to my room to check the time. 


I hurriedly toss my phone, wallet, camera, and earphones into this small black purse that I have, put some lip balm on and rush downstairs. The doorbell rings just barely after I reach the living room. I hesitate before going to the door. This is ridiculous. He's my friend. I have no reason to be nervous. I fling open the door. 

Kenma is standing there, looking as uncertain as I feel. My first instinct is to mess with his hair, but today it looks like he actually put some thought into it, so I decide not to ruin it. He stands there in black pants and a black button up. The sleeves are rolled up and the top two buttons are left undone. He looks adorable.

 He grins slightly. "Hi," 


𝐎𝐅𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐄. kenma kozume x readerWhere stories live. Discover now