Meeting the Boss

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"Okay, silly stink." Julia began, which made Preston giggle a little when he placed the almost empty juice down. She walked over to him and headed her way to the kitchen and set him down in his high chair. "Cereal today? Or oatmeal?" 

"Cece!" He shouted, so he wanted cereal. Julia went into the cupboard and got a small plastic bowl and put some Cheerios in it for him, and placed it in front of him. He gladly pulled out the cereal pieces and munched on them with a big smile on his face. 

Julia made herself a quick bowl of Cheerios and ate with Preston, then checked her phone for the time. 

9:16am. Perfect. 

When Julia got done with her cereal, she rinsed the bowl out in the sink and grabbed a sandwich bag from the drawer, and put a couple handfuls of it for her son to snack on while she would work today. She also got down some fruit cups and cut up some carrots and apples, put them into containers and put them into her lunch bag, which came with her diaper bag. 

After doing that, she walked over to Preston and cleaned up his chair. Preston then ran into the living room and began to play with his toys again.

"Bubba, we gotta get going soon." Julia said to her son as he played with his toys. 

She finished packing the bag and she went over to him, picked him up and grabbed her keys, purse, and her phone, making sure she has everything. Julia then went outside to her car and loaded everything up, set Preston in his car seat and made sure he was all buckled up and they began to head over to her new job, Kaiba Corporation.

QUICK NOTE: I'm trying to make this story into a 3rd person's POV, and if I fail, I'm sorry. :)

Meanwhile, at Kaiba Corportation..

"Hey, Seto. Didn't you mention that the new employee is bringing a baby to work with us?" The CEO's little brother Mokuba Kaiba, asked the man before him. 

"Yes, Mokuba. That's why her office is going to be child proof. When we had our Zoom interview last week, I made sure to have her office specially made for her." Seto said, rubbing his temples. He was clearly annoyed that not only did he have to deal with a newbie, but a toddler as well. 

"What did you have done to her office? Besides child-proofing?" Mokuba asked. "It's not like you to do this, Seto." The elder Kaiba groaned.

"I know, but I have to show some decency. When she brought up about her baby's father not being around, I got to thinking that I could just do something nice for her office." Seto leaned back in his chair; reading the time on the clock on the wall. 9:28am, so she should be here soon.

"By the sound of it, you feel bad." 

"I do not feel bad, Mokuba! She put herself in that position, by having a child with someone not worthy enough to help her and be there to support her and her baby. That has nothing to do with me, besides the fact of hire." 

"Then tell me, Seto. What did you have done to her office to make it so special?" Seto groaned with annoyance and he ran his fingers through his hair, gripping it.

"Damn it, Mokuba." He sighed, and let go of his hair in attempt to fix it. "I have a play pin for her son in there, with duel monsters toys and new blankets. Child-proof locks on her desk and closet. A bookshelf filled with learning and kid books to keep her son busy. Her own bathroom with a changing station. Happy?" The irritated CEO glared at his VP, but the VP was satisfied with his answer. 

"Well, that was very nice of you. I'm proud Seto." Mokuba smiled as he walked out the door. 

ring ring

"Kaiba." Seto groaned as he answered his office phone. He was getting a headache from explaining the office details to his little brother. 

"Hello, sir. Miss Julia Williams is here to meet with you. Can I send her up?" 

"Have Roland bring her up." Seto hung up the phone, and sat back in his office chair once again; trying to relax before he could see the woman he hired and the child she brought with her.

A few moments later..

"Okay, Miss Williams. This is Mr. Kaiba's office." Roland told her, as she held her son's hand and held her purse on her shoulder. Roland knocked on the door, and they heard a strong voice on the other end of the door.

"COME IN!" Preston gripped his mother's hand tighter, so Julia picked him up and placed him on her hip. Roland opened the office door, revealing the CEO of Kaiba Corporation relaxing in his office chair.

"Miss Williams." The CEO said, as he walked over to her and her son, and Roland leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

"Mr. Kaiba, pleasure." Julia shook his hand and keeping Preston close to her, since he was afraid of Seto Kaiba. "It's okay, sweetie." Preston turned his face away from him and gripped onto Julia's shirt tight, making sure he didn't want to be put down.

"Come on, lets go to your office." Julia nodded as she followed the tall brunette out of his office.

"Mama." Preston started, then he yawned. 

"Nap time already? At least wait until we get settled, okay?" The toddler nodded in response, God Julia's kid is smart.

"Smart kid." The CEO said to her, as they went down the hall.

"Thanks, I have no idea where he gets it from." Julia giggled, hearing nothing more from the rich man walking by her side. 

A few more steps and we reached a room in which Seto Kaiba opened. They walked in and Julia's eyes widened, the room was beautiful.

It was light blue with beige carpeting, a black book shelf that appeared to have some learning books and short stories for her son, a play pin with some new toys and blankets, child proof locks on the closet and her desk, and her own bathroom with a baby changing station.

"This is amazing, Mr. Kaiba." 

"Mama, toys!" Preston cheered in her arms. She walked him closer to the pin and set him in it and grabbed one of the new blankets that was neatly folded in the corner of the pin. 

Julia opened up the blanket to reveal the Blue Eyes White Dragon and she spread it out in the middle of the play pin for her son, knowing he would eventually fall asleep while playing.

"Sir, this is amazing. Thank you, so much for this." Julia placed down her diaper bag by her desk and her purse as well.

"You're welcome, but don't get used to it." She looked up at him smiling.

"Of course, I mean it must be stressful being the CEO of the largest gaming company in Japan. It's okay, I appreciate it and you know my son does as well." Both adults look over to see the toddler laying on the new blanket while playing with the new toys. 

"Here." Seto Kaiba put a key on Julia's desk. "This is the spare key for this office, but keep in mind that I have the master one." Julia took it and put it in a key ring to add to her set.

"Thank you, again." She smiled as she noticed her boss walking towards the door to leave. "Oh, sir. I have a question for you." The rich man turned to her and glared.

"Make it quick, Williams." His tone had his famous venom everyone knew him for in, which took her aback.

"Well, um." She started. "Do you email the schedule to the other workers? Or do I make my own?" Seto Kaiba began to laugh at her question.

"Come by my office before 4pm, that's when I'm leaving today. In the mean time, I'll send you a link for this project I need designed for my new ride for Kaiba Land. You're assignment will be to impress me with a blue print and a design concept I want done by the end of the week; starting today." Julia swallowed, becoming a bit nervous for what's going to happen.

"Okay, sir." He walked out of her new office and she opened up her new laptop on her desk and began to work.

Hello readers! Author's note for the next chapter! Be sure to read it! :)

Thank you for reading!

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