Author's Note and Sequel Update

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Hello readers,

I know I have not interacted with you during the production of this book, so this note might be a bit weird. But I would just like to thank you for reading my book. It is not the best writing or story, and I am aware of how flat it can be sometimes. Nevertheless, I am proud of it. I wanted to take this time to explain a few things.

Firstly, I am aware a lot of writers show possible pictures of the characters before a story. I decided against it because I don't want to ruin the images you created of these characters while reading. I feel it keeps you more interested if you can formulate your depictions of the characters than if I force one onto you.

Secondly, I didn't put a lot of notes because I wanted to finish the book as I saw it in my head. I plan to be more engaging in the sequel, so look out for it soon.

Thirdly, the story is not focussed on racism. It has a hint of it through Theo's misunderstanding, but it is not the focus of the book. The focus is on the silly tradition and how it brought the two of them together in this weird, twisted way.

Lastly, I do plan to write two more books. It is meant to be a trilogy. I plan to release the first chapter of the sequel on Sunday, July 26th, 2020. I hope you will read it.

Once again, thank you for reading my story, and I look forward to hearing from you in Book Two.

BREAKING TRADITION: Rylee and Theo are finally together. With a new season on the way, there is nothing that can stand in their route to happiness. Or is there? A friend from the past is back in town, and she plans to upset the balance of Rylee's happiness. Things begin to take a dive when Rylee begins to question Theo's loyalty to her. Add in the stress of senior year and the battle of breaking a long football tradition, things may not go as planned.

Can Rylee and Theo survive the weight of love in Devenport High? Or will they find themselves caught up in the webs of breaking tradition? 

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