Chapter Twenty-Two: Rylee

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

Breaking up in Devenport High is one of the worse experiences you can endure. Breaking up in Devenport High during football season is much worst. Everyone is upset with Theo and I. Well, I'm certain I'm taking the hardest hit since my squadmates, the football players and the entire school keeps lurking behind me ranting off comments like "Whatever you did Scott, apologize for it." Or "Can't you beg Bradshaw to take you back?" Or the worst of them all, "You better figure out a way to fuck Bradshaw before the game. Or else."

I think dealing with Khloe and Destiny was the worst. They ignored me as much as they could. They spoke about me as if I wasn't there. Mikah was the only person who didn't switch on me. I knew she was just as worried about the tradition as everyone else, but she just didn't make me feel like I was to blame. I appreciated her for understanding, even though the rest of the school body didn't.

My locker was filled with notes with threats of what would happen if we lost a game. With the upcoming game today, my fate was up in the clouds. I was still hopeful, though. I didn't believe in the stupid tradition, and with Devenport football skills, we were more likely to win the game than lose it. At least I would be able to prove how bogus the whole thing was.

The last bell rings for the day, and I make my way towards my locker. The whispering is louder today because of the game. A few kids even knock into me. I ignore it. There was no way I was going to beg Theo to take me back. I'd rather lose a million games than to fall prey to his lies. I'm okay with the snubbing at school. My heart can handle it. My heart couldn't bear letting Theo Bradshaw hurt me again. I'm so caught up in my thoughts, I barely notice the figure standing next to me.

"We need to talk," Hayden says. I roll my eyes and bend down to get my gym bag.

"I thought I told you to stay away from me." I spat, standing back up with the bag clutched tightly in my hands.

"Yeah but I'm sick of you and Theo's bullshit. Your little rift is affecting the school," Hayden shuts my locker. The sound of it slamming shut alarms a few students in the halls.

I frown, "I could care less about the stupid tradition. It's bogus, and you would know it if you stop being such a male with a pretentious stick up your ass."

"Ha, funny. Pretty rich coming from the girl who willingly participated in the tradition." Hayden jeers.

"I did not. Theo didn't give me a choice."

Hayden laughs, "That's bull and you know it, Rylee. You accepted the claim the moment Theo mentioned it. If you hadn't the two of you wouldn't be an item."

"Of course you'd side with Theo. That's what you do best, so pardon me if I don't believe any of the crap coming out your mouth."

"What's your deal, Rylee?"

"My deal?" I respond. I huff slightly, holding in the bitter laugh stuck in my chest. I frown, "You and Theo are two selfish assholes who use me for laughs. I was stupid to ever think you two would value my friendship." I continued.

"You and Theo are the selfish ones. You're so caught up in stupidity that you can't see how it is affecting everyone else. So, you think the tradition is stupid, but what right do you have to criticize the rest of us who believe it?" Hayden rants. He runs his fingers through his hair.

"I don't th-" I start, but Hayden interrupts again.

"No, shut up, Rylee. You're so quick to judge everything when you don't know anything. That's what you're doing wrong, and that's what you did wrong at the game the other night."


"You assumed Theo had no right to punch Preston, but he had every right. Especially after what he said about you," Hayden blurts.

"What are you talking about?"

Hayden sighs, "Preston knows we were going to win the game so he needed something to psyche us out. So, he targeted Theo. He told Theo he wondered what your lips tasted like and how he was your first. Theo lost it. It took the team to calm him down to finish the game."

"What? I haven't---I didn't---" I stuttered in disbelief. How could he? I didn't have sex with Preston. Theo knew I was a virgin. Why would he listen to those stupid lies?

"Why would Theo believe his lies?"

Hayden snorted, "You're joking right?" I shook my head to show him I was not. Hayden sighs, "You're Theo's weakness, Ry. You always have been. As perfect as he seems, he's a complete mess when it comes to you."

"That's a lie."

"Is it?" I look up to Hayden. His eyebrows were raised in a questioning look, almost as if he was challenging me to deny it. I couldn't. I'm not even sure why.

"Whatever. Why don't you go talk to Theo?"

Hayden frowns, "He isn't listening to anybody. Coach benched him for hitting Preston. He's not playing today."

I froze, "What?"

"Yeah, KC is our QB for the next few games." KC was a sophomore on the team. He was learning the position next to Theo, but Coach Fields never needed him. He spent most games benched. This would be his first official game.

"Can we win with KC as the QB?" I asked timidly, already knowing the answer.

Hayden bowed his head before punching the locker, "For everyone's sake, let's hope so."  

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