Chapter Twenty-Seven: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

Tonight was the night I've waited for from the moment I realized Rylee Scott was the girl of my dreams. Yesterday seems to be a figment of my imagination. Thankfully, Rylee texted me asking about the dress code for our date to remind me that it did in fact happen. My parents even noticed how happy the whole thing made me when I came home smiling more than I usually did. My mom seemed to be in good spirits knowing I was happy. My dad probably figured it had something to do with a girl since he gave me a side-eye.

My parents are loving people. Zaria and I were spoiled rotten by our parents and grandparents. Whatever we wanted, we got. It wasn't because our parents were materialistic. They wanted to give us the best and keep us happy. It wasn't until Rylee showed me that having everything doesn't make you happy that I held back on asking for things. I told my parents not to treat me for doing things I was expected to do. That doesn't mean they stopped buying me things. They just stopped doing it as often as they use to, and now they contribute those funds to organizations and charities. I'm happy they found better ways to spend their money.

However, today is one of those days I appreciated them for buying me things I didn't need because I wanted to look good for Rylee. I know she looks beautiful in any and everything she wears, and I needed to match her energy. I gave a final look in the mirror. I'm dressed in some black cropped jeans, a white short-sleeved button-down shirt, and my favorite black dress boots. I think I look good. I hope Rylee thinks so too. I quickly spray my cologne. It's Rylee's favorite. Every time I wear it, she tries to sniff me behind my back. I smile at the memory. I check the time before grabbing my coat and heading out.

I'm excited to see Rylee, so I drive a bit over the speed limit to get to her quickly. It's a Sunday afternoon, and I want nothing more than to spend the rest of the day with her. It's our official first date. I park my car in her yard and swiftly race out of it. I'm not even nervous. I've waited so long for this moment, my excitement overpowers my nerves. Before I can knock on the door, it opens, revealing a smiling Rylee. I guess I'm not the only excited one.

I take a moment to appreciate her outfit. She wearing a short, black skirt with a slight split on the side that clings to hips. I barely hold in the moan when I see how sexy her legs look in them. She paired the skirt with a short sleeve royal blue crop top, and some stylish high ankle boots. Her hair was in a high bun with a strand falling on each side. She had makeup on, but the only thing I could focus on was those gorgeous glossed lips. She was fucking beautiful.

"Ry, I swear God took his time making you," I whisper, but she heard me as she smiles coyly.

"You look good, too," she replied. I took her hand and lead her towards my car. I opened the door for her. She smiled and went inside. I watched her buckle up before closing the door and rushing to the driver's side. These were things we did before, but now they felt real because we were real.

We spent the car ride listening to music, talking, and swapping compliments. It was like nothing ever came in between us. I drove to Gleniston Park at the south end of the town. It was one of those spots people rarely ever visited because it was too far, and not as convenient as the other parks which were closer. I planned a picnic for the two of us, which made Gleniston Park the best place because they offered a picnic service there. You could make a reservation, and they would prepare the items for a small price. It was cute and an ideal date spot.

It took us no time to get our picnic supplies, and to be directed our reserved spot, which was absolutely stunning. It was under an evergreen tree near the lake. Rylee and I lay out the picnic blanket before settling down to unpack the picnic basket. We got small cut sandwiches, fruits, water, chips, and a slice of chocolate cake. Rylee spent a few minutes arranging it to suit the space. It was actually adorable watching her piece it together until it was to her liking.

We chatted a long while eating the prepared meal, occasionally flirting here and there. The lake provided us the perfect view, with birds flying and sometimes dipping into the water. The tree kept us well-shaded too, but the warmth of the sun was appreciated. Was this how I pictured our first date? No, the way I imagined it could not compare the reality. Rylee sitting across me with her legs crossed, and her head tilted back soaking in the sun was radiant. It was more radiant than the glimmer of the sun reflecting on the lake. Her legs were glistening, and I soaked them in, rubbing her legs. She smiled sweetly at me.

"Theo?" she asked, tilting her head to the side. I smile and hum to her in response. She giggles slightly before continuing, "What about me do you like?"

"What do you mean?"

She twists her mouth and thinks, "Ummm, like physical or personality traits. What about me do you like?"

I stop rubbing her legs and hold out my arms. "Come here," I instruct. She crawls towards me until she's sitting in my lap. I breathe in her scent and hold her tightly in my arms. There was no way I planned to let this girl go. She was mines.

"Ummm, let's see," I start. My mind drifts to the first time I met Rylee. We went to different elementary schools, so I didn't know her until the first day of middle school. We had to introduce ourselves to Ms. Reese's class. Rylee sat in the seat in front of me near the window. I didn't notice her at first. Hayden and I were too busy trying to secure or seats to pay attention to any of the students in the class. It wasn't until Rylee stood up that I paid attention. She was dressed in a jumper with a yellow t-shirt and some cute white tennis. Her hair was in ponytails which accentuated her round face and gorgeous brown eyes. I feel in love with the exact moment I saw her.

"Physically, everything about you. You're so fucking beautiful that it drives me insane, especially when you're dressed like this," I admit before leaning in and kissing her. She brings her hand to my face and kisses me just as hard. Her taste is addicting, and I don't hold back on teasing her. I nibble her lips as if they're a sweet delicacy. She responds with moans that make me falter on my restraints. I'm turned on, and I know she feels what she's doing to me. I pull away, not trying to pressure her or make her feel uncomfortable.

"Now, personality, I would have to say how kind you are. You taught me how to be appreciative and you're so good at bringing the best out of people," I respond. She smiles coyly, and I peck her cheeks. She shrieks in excitement, and it is the cutest thing.

"Ok ok. It is only fair that I tell you the same," she says after her giggle outburst. She looks into my eyes, "Personality. I love how hardworking and loyal you are. I also find your straightforwardness to be extremely attractive." She turns her head away in embarrassment, but I just embrace her. She clears her throat and continues, "Physically, everything but especially your hands."

"My hands?" My eyebrow quirks up in response.

She nods, "Yeah. When you hold my hands in yours, I feel so protected and loved. It's silly but I love it."

I intertwine my hands with her, "Then, it's always here for you to hold." Her eyeshine lovingly at me, and I pull her closer to me. We stayed there talking until the sun descended. She nor I wanted to leave the spot that had nourished our feelings.  

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