Chapter Twelve: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

Tyler's party has moved into that phase where there is enough time to party, but it's almost time to go home. Which means, it is the perfect time to snatch Rylee away from her friends. I've spent enough time in memory lane to crave her touch for reassurance. Despite knowing she could never be mines fully, I enjoy deceiving myself of this guilty pleasure. I just needed to feel her on me to calm the nerves and doubts. It takes me by surprise when just as I'm about to walk up to her, Rylee walks over to me.

"Wanna go somewhere quiet?" she asks. I'm so shocked, I just nod. Rylee intertwines her fingers with my mines and leads me up the stairs to one of the bedrooms.

The room has a queen bed, a few bureaus, and a nightstand. From the lack of decorations, I'm guessing it is a guestroom. Rylee locks the door behind us. I'm so stunned by her actions; I can barely process the words she's saying to me.

"Huh?" I ask when I realize her mouth is moving, but I haven't heard a single word.

Rylee laughs, "I said come sit with me." She walks to the rug by the bed and sits down. I'm aware of how she avoids the bed, but I don't mention it. I follow her and sit beside her with my back to the bed. Sitting up close to her, I take in how beautiful she looks. She smiles at me.

"I just wanted to be alone with you for a moment." She admits, pulling my left hand into her lap. She traces the lines in my palms. The action is so innocent, but it doesn't stop the stirring in me to grab her. She looks up and gazes at me with those big brown eyes, and I lose the last bit of restraint I've held onto for the day. I turn to her and pull her into me. She yelps in surprise, but those legs of hers wrap effortlessly around my waist. I rest my hands on her sides as I take her in. Her eyes are still wide open, but her lips are slightly parted. That is all the invitation I need before I capture her.

I take the kiss slow tonight. I don't want to rush this moment with her. She moves against me gracefully, but needy. Her hands snake their way behind my neck, and I take this opportunity to brush my hands up to her upper body. My thumbs cup the base of her breast. She gasps slightly in our kiss, and I plunge my tongue into her mouth. Immediately, I welcome the taste of her and the fruit punch she drank earlier. Sweet. Her full lips were like honey and I wanted more. She pressed harder against me, and I groan. Damn, her hot little body against mines hardened me. I pull away from her lips and tilt her head to the right before sucking on her neck.

She smells like cocoa butter and vanilla and I love it. The fruity fragrance of her shampoo set off the beast in me, and I suck harder onto her neck. The sound of her moaning and heavy breathing drives me crazy. I was addicted to it. I wanted to see it. I wanted to see her in a lust induced daze. I wanted to hear her say my name—No, I wanted to hear her moan it. I wanted to hear her scream it until everyone knew who she belonged to.

"Theo?" Rylee pants. I pull my head up at the sound of my name on her lips. She is staring at me, and by the look in her eyes, something is wrong. I release my grip on her and drop my hands back to her side. She drops her head and bits her lips. Something is definitely wrong.

I cup her cheek with my right hand and bring her face to meet mines. "What's wrong? Talk to me, Ry." Those eyes of her are full and close to releasing a dam of tears. The sight of her in tears breaks my heart in half. What happened? Was she hurt?

"Are you hurt, babe?" I ask, looking at her body for any kind of injury. The look on her face has me desperate to make her feel better. I couldn't handle her crying in front of me.

She shakes her head, "I need to tell you something." The air in my body is knocked out. My mind starts racing of thoughts of our past, and I can feel my heartbreaking. I bowed my head. Was she about to say she didn't find me attractive? Was she about to reject me? I grip the cloth of her cheerleading uniform.

"I'm a virgin." She whispers. My head snapped up quickly. She was gazing at me nervously, searching my face for something. But, I was too stunned and relieved to figure it out.


"I've never had sex before." She clarifies, but I'm too relieved by her not rejecting me to process it. I pull her in for a hug. She rests her head onto my shoulder.

"That's ok, Ry." I clutch her tightly and brush her hair to calm my nerves. She was trembling slightly, but I just kept holding her. I'm not sure if I held her because she needed me or that I needed her to settle my anxiety.

"I wanted you to know because things are getting so heavy between us, that I didn't want you to think I was leading you on." She sobbed. I pulled her back. Her cheek was drenched with her tears. I wiped them away, one by one.

"Rylee, I enjoy kissing you. I like the feel of your body against mines. But, I would never force you into something you don't want to do. Have I thought about having sex with you? Fuck, yes. But, I only want to take that step if you're ready to take it with me."

Rylee smiles at me, "That's the most words I've heard you say in a long time." I laughed. She looks down at her hands and continues, "Thanks for understanding."

"No need to thank me. Besides, we have no reason to rush into anything. Let's just focus on each other. No pressure." I reassured her. Rylee nodded her head energetically. I peck her lips.

"Is it ok if we continue kissing?" Rylee asks shyly.

"Fuck, yes," I exclaim before I capture her lips again. This time we moved in sync, driving the other to the edge, but never letting go.

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