Chapter Twenty-One: Rylee

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

The feeling of experiencing a situation occurring in the present, what is it called? Déjà vu? Was it really déjà vu I was feeling or just a sequel to the scenario I endured in middle school? I don't quite understand what happened. But if my heart was of any indication, I was suffering from the shock of Theo Bradshaw breaking up with me. Why? I don't know.

I was just speaking with Preston. Preston hadn't said or done anything, but Theo punched him. He punched him to the ground. He was furious at something, but in true Theo fashion, I didn't have the smallest inkling of what it was. Was it jealousy because Preston was hugging me? That still didn't give him the right to hit him. It was like middle school all over again, except it was much worse because of the feelings stirring in me.

I didn't realize I was frozen until Mikah came and consoled me. I was crying. There wasn't any sound, just the stream of endless tears streaking my face. He left me again. We're done. The words echo inside my head, and the dam breaks. An imaginary string tugs at my heart, and I'm shaking my head in disbelief. No. He couldn't do it again. He couldn't leave me. It wasn't right The thought makes me pull away from Mikah.

"Where are you going Ry?" She shouts after me, but my brain can only focus on finding Theo. I'm pushing through the remaining spectators towards the bus. I need to find him. He couldn't just end things between us. Not again. Not like this. I'm running clumsily. I'm accidentally bumping into people, stepping on feet, and spilling a few things on the ground as I push through. I am too dazed to apologize or help pick up the items I dropped. I don't look back.

By the time I spot him, I'm out of breath, but it doesn't stop me. He's talking to Hayden, seemingly unbothered by everything. It angers me. I stomp towards him. Hayden notices me first and steps in front of Theo as some kind of shield. But this only aggravates me further.

"Move, Hayden," I growl, trying to push him out of the way. Hayden blocks both of my hands with his one hand.

"This isn't the time, Rylee," he explains. I drop my hands and stare at him incredulously. This isn't the time? His words tickle a nerve of anger I never knew I had.

"Not the time? So, it was time for him to humiliate me in public? It was the time for him to break up with me without offering so much as a fucking explanation?!" I scream. My voice is loud and dangerous. It alerts a few persons passing by.

"I need you to calm down." Hayden frowns.

"Why? It's okay to embarrass me but not Theo fucking Bradshaw? Fucking hypocrites." I fume. My eyes drift to Theo who remains unaffected by the entire scene.

"That's not fair, Rylee."

"No, what isn't fair, is being forced into this stupid ritual with him with a heap load of stupid restrictions, to only be dumped in front of everyone." My voice cracks a bit, and the tears are streaming again. Hayden reaches out to comfort me, but I take a step away from him.

"Rylee, there is so much you don't under-"

I interrupt Hayden, "I'm done with caring for the two of you. This is the second time Theo did this to me. You too, Hayden. I'm the idiot for believing the two of you actually cared about me."

Hayden tries again to explain, but I shake my head in frustration, "No, stay away from me. Just leave me alone." I shout. I wrap my arms around my waist to comfort myself. It was difficult to say these words. It was even harder to swallow after saying them. But I had to say it.

"Don't come near me, ever again," I spit, my eyes locked on Theo's before sending a similar look of hatred to Hayden. I walked away from the two of them, wiping the tears from my eyes. I settled on an isolated bench, crying my eyes out until Mikah found me. The bus was getting ready to leave. I followed her on the bus. The bus was quiet, but I could feel the stares drilling into my skin. It didn't help that I looked like a drenched cat from all the crying.

Thankfully, Mikah saved me a spot. I took the window seat and balled myself up into the window. I wanted to hide from everyone. The entire thing was embarrassing. I couldn't tell what was preoccupying my mind after the bus moved. I just stared at the window watching the scenery waltz pass me. I couldn't hear any voices either, just the sound of the bus moving. Maybe I didn't want to hear anything but the bus. I don't know but I was grateful for the distraction nonetheless.

I was locked in myself until the coldness of the bus' air-conditioning crawled up my skin. Instinctively, I reach into my bag to get my jacket but pulled out Theo's varsity jacket. The 'Bradshaw' is written in bold and I clench the jacket tightly, closing my eyes. The memories of us together flood my brain, and I try not to cry, but the effort was futile. Those tears came rolling down my face, each with a memory capsuled in them.

Stupid Ryle Scott. Stupid. Stupid. I ball up the jacket and turn to Mikah, "Can you pass this to someone to give to Theo?" Mikah nods, taking the jacket in her hands. I watch as she looks around the bus for him, but I snap my head away from the visual. I was not going to subject myself to watching Mikah return the jacket nor would I be desperate enough to succumb to seeing Theo's face when it returned to him. No. Rylee. You will not let this break you. Not again. I turn to the window, ball myself up, and drift. Theo Bradshaw was a fucking asshole. Those were the last words I said before I surrendered to the exhaustion.  

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