Chapter Eighteen: Rylee

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

It should be mentioned that I, Rylee Tessa Scott, did not think having a double date would be one of the things I would do this year. Heck, I didn't think dating would be one of the options either. But sitting here, with Theo holding my hands, laughing at Hayden telling a joke, seems surreal. I forgot how funny Hayden was. When he spoke, the room stopped to listen. He was a commander of attention. He and Theo were polar opposites, but it worked for them. Just being next to them again felt good.

"I swear Mrs. Braynen hated me after that," Hayden says before taking a sip of his drink.

"What did you expect? You put a frog on her desk knowing she was terrified of them," Theo laughed.

"She said she wasn't!" Hayden exclaims. Mikah rolls her eyes at him, but there is an amused expression hidden in her slight smile. I raise my eyebrow at her, but she just shrugs. When Theo mentioned going on a double date with Hayden and Mikah, I laughed. Mikah was a bit picky when it came to guys she was interested in. She never went for jocks. She always had a thing for boys with high aptitudes and great college prospects. Jocks never enticed her, and it was evident every time she turned down Jacob Walters. When I built up the courage to ask her, she agreed readily much to my surprise.

Hayden was a jock. He wasn't stupid or anything, but he flourished on the field. His center stage moment was catching a football. He was everything Mikah did not want, but here she was laughing at his jokes. There were even a few moments I caught her giving subtle touches to his shoulders. Did Hayden miss those hints? No, he caught every move she made and reciprocated them all with a touch or two of his own. It felt as if Theo and I were crashing their date.

Thankfully, Theo is not as dense as other guys and excused us away from the table. He told Hayden he wanted to take me for a walk.

We were at an amusement park. We rode a few rides before I got hungry, and Theo suggested we grab something to eat. We spent three hours talking, stories of our middle school years. Mikah would input with her own experiences here and there. Sometimes, Hayden and Theo would talk about their recent high school experiences, and it warmed my heart as I filled in the blanks of those years we spent apart. Thankfully, Mikah never asked what happened between us. I don't think our double date would have survived the awkwardness had she asked.

"I couldn't handle watching the two of them eye fuck each other for another moment," Theo complains. He has my hand clasp tightly into his as we walk around the park. I stare at it for a moment. How is it that something so amazing would have never existed if Theo hadn't claimed me?

"I'm surprised. Hayden isn't the type of guy Mikah would usually like," I spill. My words stop Theo dead in his track. He looks down at me.

"Why is that an issue?" he scowls. His grip tights slightly, and I can tell from his furrowed brow my words upset him. I forgot how protective he was of Hayden. How careless could I be? Of course he would be upset. Hayden was his best friend. He was as close to him as he was with Tatum.

"O, I don't mean it like that," I try to explain.

"What did you mean then?" He snaps. I brush his hand with my thumb. My eyes lock on him.

"I mean there must be something special between them because it's the first time I've seen her step out of her preferences. It's a good thing." I explain.

Theo's expression softens, "You think so?"

I nod, "Yeah. Preferences are good, but I think listening to your heart matters more." Theo's eyes are wide and filled with something indescribable. He cups my cheek with his free hand. He smiles at me before kissing me. It is a sweet kiss. It is long enough to stir the fluttery feelings in me.

"What's up with the kiss?" I ask, bowing my head shyly.

"I just really needed to kiss you, Ry."

We kept walking, admiring the lights and the scenery. Theo seemed to be in good spirits as he was smiling and laughing a lot. He kept kissing me randomly throughout the walk. I was happy to see him so alive and unrestricted. It made me happy.

"Theo and Ry!" a voice bellows, and both Theo and I look forward. Hayden and Mikah were waving to us up ahead. Theo sighs, "There goes our alone time." I laugh. Theo leads us towards our friends, avoiding people as we went through the crowd.

"Where did the two of you disappear off?" Hayden asks, a hint of teasing evident in his tone.

"If the two of you looked up from your eye fuck you would have heard when I told you Ry and I went for a walk," Theo responds. Hayden chuckles nervously, and Mikah's eyes widen. I'm not sure if she's shocked we caught onto her and Hayden's chemistry or if she's astonished by Theo's remark. I'm guessing it's the latter since Mikah's never heard Theo speak outside of class much less heard him joke around. She snaps her head and me and then back at Theo.

"Whatever, O. How was the walk?" Hayden asks, looking between Theo and me. I smile up at Theo.

"It was good," I wriggle my eyebrows at Theo to confuse Hayden. Theo laughs at me, but Hayden is quick to catch on to my antics.

"Ry, you don't have to pretend. I know what it's like being in Theo's company: painful." He jokes and Mikah snorts trying to hold back a laugh. Theo punches Hayden in the arm. I'm too caught up in the fact that Hayden called me Ry. It was the first time I felt like we were all friends again. Theo squeezes my hand to get my attention. I look up at him and give him a reassuring smile.

"How about we hit a few rides before we head out?" Mikah offers. We all agree, especially Hayden who is stoked about the idea of being with her for a bit longer. I don't mind either. I'm soaking in the moment of hanging out with friends. It's a feeling I hadn't felt in years. It's even better now because Theo is next to me, not just as a friend but a boyfriend. Middle school Rylee would be envious of me.

"You ok, babe?" Theo asks as we're standing in line for the rollercoaster.

"Never better," I smile, holding back the happy tears I would inevitably spill on my pillow later that night.

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