Chapter Seven: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

There are four words I hate the most in the world. Those four words have plagued my mind for the past three years. I made a vow to never let her utter those words again. I promised myself I would not allow her to repeat that moment. I don't think I would be able to handle it if she did.

Growing up, my parents made sure my sister and I got everything we wanted. Most of the time I was content with being spoiled but Rylee often reminded me that it was a privilege not offered to many. In middle school, while hanging out with her, I became self-conscious about my parents' wealth. I didn't realize how much my parents would spend on clothes, electronics, and toys before but suddenly, I did. I stopped wanting more. I didn't ask for much and when I did get expensive things, I made sure to thank my parents. Rylee made me understand what it means to be appreciative and humble amid my blessings. But, the harshest lesson I've learned from her is that no matter how bad you want something, it doesn't mean you will have it. In other words, you don't deserve it.

I don't know why those words are haunting me now. I have the one person I've hated for the past three years in my reach. I should be happy. I should be relieved but here I am at practice running drills until my feet bleed.

"Good job! Jessie, lead the cool-down." Coach Field shouts. The team follows Jessie's routine but I'm too engrossed in my thoughts to pay attention.

"You ok, Theo?"

I snap my head up to see Tatum staring at me. He's the big brother I never got. My parents had my sister, Zaria before closing shop with me. Luckily, Uncle Lee had Tatum or I would have missed out on that brotherly relationship I see between my dad and uncle.

"Yeah, I'm just thinking, ya know?" I reply. I notice the other guys are leaving practice. Early nights were essential during the season. Coach didn't want any of our sleep schedules to be affected or our grades slipping because we didn't have time after practice. There were zero excuses for failure when a part of this team.

Tatum frowns slightly, "Is it because of Rylee?" Of course, it was. He knew it was. Hell, even Coach noticed my playing is different. People in the halls are shocked by my less intense appearance since being with Rylee. Everything is changing because of her.

"Yeah. I don't know what to do with her." I ruffle my hair. The whole thing was bothering me. I hated her but I craved her too. The sexual tension between us was difficult to ignore but, I don't know if this is what I want.

"You stick it out, Theo. Whatever this is you and Rylee got going on, use this time to figure it out. But, don't forget the rules of the ritual. No breaking up, Theo." Tatum warns. I sigh. He was right. If one slip up happens, our breakup would take the blame. Now, I hated the entire arrangement.

"I know."

"Anyways, you don't have time to worry about that now. She's here to pick you up." Tatum nudges me and I look in the direction of his eyes. Standing by the bleachers in black leggings and a white T was Rylee Scott. She was going to be the end of me.

"I'll catch you later, Tay," I utter before grabbing my bag and trotting towards Rylee. She was a short little thing but her legs were sexy. They were cheerleader's legs. The thought of them wrapped around my waist made my cock twitch.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to clear the dirty thoughts out of my head.

"Umm, well, part of the agreement is two dates a week and we're almost to the weekend. Do you want to grab something to eat?" She requested nervously. She was fumbling with her hands. It was cute. She wanted to go out on a date. She wasn't wrong. We hadn't lived up to any of the set agreements as yet.

"Sure. Let's go."

Rylee's face bursts into a small smile. I can tell she's holding in her excitement. She was just so damn adorable. She tilts her body to turn and I use this moment to grab her hand. I can hear her slight gasp but I'm not worried about that. I'm living in the moment and the realization that her hands are so small and petite they perfectly clasp with mines. At this moment, I could care less about those damn four words she uttered three years ago. Instead, I'll give her four of my own:

"Let's have some fun."

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