Chapter Fifteen: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

Ryland Scott is the worst best brother I've ever met. There is no denying how much Rylee means to him if the pain and exhaustion I'm feeling are of any indication. The workout he gave Coach is intense, but the extra drills he gave me under the excuse of me "slacking off" are worse. I know he's doing it to get at me for claiming Rylee. He's not hiding it either, smirking every time I'm out of breath. But, I refuse to give Ryland the satisfaction of seeing me bend in defeat. His sister is mines, and he would come to accept it. He would respect me. So, when Coach tells us Ryland will be here for the rest of the week, I nod my head at Ryland in appreciation. He scowls in disappointment. He wants to crush my spirit. What he doesn't know is, there is only one Scott that has and can do it, and it isn't him.

"How are you still breathing, O?" Hayden asks with his hands on his sides, breathing deeply. We were all sweaty and dirty from the drills, but Hayden is worse since he fell in a small puddle on the field.

"I was prepared for it, I guess." I shrug, stretching my body in hopes to relieve the aches. It did not.

"Ryland was killing your ass. I forgot how much of a dick he can be when it comes to his sister," Hayden frowns. He taps me on the shoulder, and I laugh. As much as I'm in pain, I feel good. In fact, I'm better than good.

"Can you blame him?" I asked. If I had a little sister like Rylee, I would do the same, probably worse. My sister Zaria is eight years older than me, and I practically bullied her husband, Dean, when she brought him home from college two years ago. Brothers are protective of their sisters. But, I wasn't going to let Ryland think he could bully me away from Rylee. Much like how Dean dealt with me, I was going to deal with Ryland.

"How is Rylee handling all of this?" Hayden asks as we walked to grab our stuff from the benches. I notice Ryland is talking to Coach. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Ryland's workout was a big push in the direction we needed. While our team was good, we were plateauing these last few years. Ryland's input could help Devenport clean up a few loose ends.

"She's a nervous wreck. She thinks Ryland is going to kill me." I snort, remembering her little breakdown this morning. She kept asking me if I was ok, and if I was sure I could handle practicing with Ryland. Sometimes, I think she forgets I'm a football player. Whatever her brother does on that field, I'm going to approach it as a football player, and not as her boyfriend.

"I think she's right. How are you going to survive the next five days, O?" Hayden frowns. My eyes lock with Ryland's. He smirks before leaving the field.

I exhale, "Rylee. I think of her."

"Do you like your life? You're going to think of his sister at practice?! Are you insane?"

"No. She's enough motivation to show Ryland I'm not going anywhere."

Hayden stops me, "Wait, I thought this thing between you and Ry was only for the season." I look down at the ground before staring at Hayden again. He was reading my face for an answer, but I could tell he was struggling. He would be. I didn't understand it either.

I sigh, "It is but-"

"But what, O? Do you know how she feels about you? Has she explained what happened three years ago? Don't stumble into something until you get answers, O." Hayden states sternly. I'm not surprised by Hayden's outburst. He knows better than anyone how much control Rylee has over me. He doesn't want history to repeat itself.

"I don't know, Hayd. Things are so different now. She's different," I explain, but Hayden shakes his head. He's frowning deeply, and I know this worries him. I tap him on the shoulder. "Let's hang out this weekend. You, Me, and Rylee. You can see for yourself," I suggest.

Hayden laughs, "I don't want to third wheel with you."

"I'll ask her to invite one of her friends."

Hayden looks up with his eyebrows raised, "A cheerleader?"

I laugh, "Sounds like you have someone in mind."

"Mikah Ricci is crazy sexy. Have you not seen her? She's like best friends with Rylee." Hayden nags. He is begging for her, practically.

"She's ok," I comment.

"WHAT?! Are you blind, O?" Hayden exclaims. He shoves me to the side. I laugh at his dramatics. It wasn't that I was blind, she just wasn't my type. Sure, Mikah is beautiful. Heck, she was gorgeous, but that's all she was to me. She wasn't Rylee. Rylee, who could be cute in a sweater and ponytail, gorgeous in jeans, and downright sexy when she bites those lips of hers, is the whole package. She's the type of girl you would want to protect from guys, but she's also the girl you would want to fuck until she screams your name. I sighed. Just the thought of her made me hard.

"Hayd, let's just sum it up to personal preferences," I attempt to settle the conversation, but Hayden shakes his head and waves his hand in disagreement.

"Rylee isn't my type, but I can agree that she is gorgeous. How is it that you can't see how gorgeous Mikah is?"

"Hayden, shut up." I simply say, before walking away from him.

Hayden shouts my name and jogs back up to me. He was still ranting about how beautiful Mikah was. I just agreed to his rant as we headed off the field. It didn't matter what I thought of Mikah. She was not the girl I liked, but rather the friend of the girl I liked. There was no way I was letting a girl get between Rylee and me. Not again.

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