Chapter Five: Rylee

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

I should be listening to my teacher in biology class right now but my mind is definitely not interested in genetic processes. Well, my mind hasn't been into anything since Friday night. I spent the majority of the night staring at my lips in the mirror, replaying Theo's words in my head and wondering whether this was a dream or a nightmare.

He was clear about what he wanted. He chose me as his target for the tradition. It was shocking as Theo never participated in the stupid ritual before. Some girls claimed they sacked him during the season but all those rumors were set aside when Theo blatantly ignored them and their claims in the hall. Everyone knew Theo Bradshaw was not a follower of the Devenport tradition. But, now he was.

Well, sort of. After the hottest kissing session of my life, Theo outlined his stipulations. I was to be his girl for the season. That meant two dates per week, mandatory good luck kisses before games, and wearing his jacket at Tyler's parties. It meant I was his good luck charm and if I didn't adhere to the following, I had to deal with the Devenport tradition curse. I'm not certain as to what the curse is but Ryland told me it was something no student wanted to endure before graduating.

Did I even have a way out of this? By ritual standpoint, no, I did not. Theo made sure of it by sealing it with a kiss and if I knew anything about the football team, once Theo announces it, I was going to be a taken woman, if I wasn't already. Did I want to get out of this deal? Sort of.

My entire life at Devenport High I ignored situations that would have made me a victim of this stupid ritual. Well, that and no one wanted to mess with Ryland's little sister. My brother was like the Tatum of his year, insanely popular and according to a few of the seniors, quite good looking. But as much as I hated the stupid tradition, I couldn't deny how convenient it would be to understand Theo and I's issues if we were a couple. Maybe we could deal with our unresolved middle school problems.

The bell chimes and Mr. Chester is wrapping up his lesson. I remind myself to ask Destiny or Bri for the notes. I pick up my books and head for my locker. The hall is swarming with students chattering about the game. Devenport was the reigning champions and it was only fair people would be hyped for another winning season.

I open my locker and stuff the books in. It was lunch and I didn't want to carry my books around the cafeteria. Suddenly, two arms wrap around my waist and I freeze because from the mouthwatering scent I knew exactly who it is. That lemony zest embraces me and I tilt my head into his shoulders.

His lips meet my ear, "Miss me?" The sound of his voice sends shivers down my spine. Why is he so good at this? How is he so good at this?

I pull my head up and clear my throat, "Should I? I didn't hear from you all weekend."

I close my locker and spin around. Theo takes a step closer and I can finally take him in. He's wearing dark-colored jeans with a grey v cut shirt and his jacket. It seems he went to the barber over the weekend because his undercut is nice and clean. Those brown eyes are soaking in lust as he takes me in. For a moment I'm self-conscious about my outfit. I didn't think I would need to dress up so I threw on my black skater skirt and my grey sweater with some white sneakers. Now, I wished I had worn something cuter but I was only focused on the fact that I had cheer-leading practice and the outfit would be easy to change after school. My head bows as I suddenly realize how dull and plain I look.

Theo cups my chin and raises it up. His eyes are studying me and my lips part slightly as I took in his gorgeous face. I remembered being this close to him before but when did he become, well, a man.

"You're gorgeous," he whispers. His lips graze mines gently. It is the opposite of our session on Friday but it didn't fail to take my breath away. He doesn't push for more. Instead, he pulls back and says, "I've got practice today. I'll pass by the gym after."

I nod and he smiles at me before heading towards the cafeteria. Instantly, I'm reminded that I'm in the hall during lunch and the possibility of a large portion of the school witnessing that exchange is high. I know I'm going to catch heat at practice. I sigh before heading to the cafeteria.

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