Chapter Three: Theo

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

I don't know why I come to these gatherings. 

Tyler holds one almost every Friday night, especially after a game so I should be used to the atmosphere by now. Football players, Cheerleaders, and some other people that score high on the Devenport social hierarchy are scattered around the house. Music is blasting and the scent of weed hits my nostrils. Shit. Tyler knows weed is off-limits. I pick up the bottled water I took from the kitchen and head towards the door. After running into Rylee earlier, my mood isn't the best. That's how it usually feels when I see her but today, it feels ten times worse. I'm about to head out when I feel a hand cup my left shoulder.

"Where are you going, man?" Hayden asks. Hayden is the wide receiver of our team. Off the field, he is as good as I'll get when it comes to the friend department. We're close in this bizarre way where Hayden knows what I'm thinking without me ever having to say anything. That's why he doesn't leave room for me to respond to his question. "Let's go outside for a sec," he continues.

I follow him to Tyler's back yard. There was a pool and a hot tub but it was the lights that created the illuminating appearance I appreciated. The Walters were pretty well off. Tyler never spoke of them much but we all knew they were top-shot lawyers. Most of the parents at Davenport were represented by one of the Walters in any of their cases. Hell, my dad often went to Mr. Walters for legal advice. 

Hayden sits on the lounge chair and I follow suit. He wants me to talk but we both know the chances are unlikely."You gonna participate in the tradition this year? It's only our first game. You still have time." I shake my head. The tradition was stupid. It was just an excuse for football players to get laid. I'm more upset the females actually follow that stupid hoax.Hayden sighs and ruffles his hair. He looks down at the floor and I know something is bugging him. But I'm not worried because I know he is going to splutter it out before I can question him. 

He gazes at me and states matter-of-factually, "You know you're going to have to let her go."I froze. I don't have to ask who he means. Rylee. He knows what she means to me. He knows what she did and still does. He knows as much as I would love to erase her out of my existence, I can't.

"You don't think I want to?" I respond, the words cutting my tongue as I speak. Hayden groans and I can tell he's trying not to pity me.

"Then, find a way to get her out of your system. Shout at her, insult her, kiss her, or fuck her. Do something, O." I cringe at the sound of the nickname. He and Rylee were the only ones who called me it. I nodded. He was right. I needed to get Rylee out of my head.

"Good. Now, let's get back to the party." Hayden exclaimed, shooting up from the lounge chair. I smirk at his excitement. He was such a kid when it came to events like this. I stood up and stared at him for a moment. Out of all the bad memories, having Hayden as a friend was probably the silver lining.

"Come on, O!" Hayden shouted and I followed behind him. Maybe a party is what I need to figure out what to do with Rylee.

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