Chapter Fourteen: Rylee

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Note: All characters and settings are purely fictional. If there are any similarities to real people or places, it is merely coincidental. The plot was written by me and not copied from any other writer.

After having dinner with my family, I spent the rest of the night in my room waiting for Theo's call. My mom and dad were talking downstairs, and I faintly heard them shout to Ryland that someone was here to visit him. With Ryland's popularity, it could be anyone. I couldn't wander around town without running into one of his groupies. Heck, the boys on the football team still asked about him, and the girls at school came up to me asking to see photos of him. Their older sisters or cousins were fans of him, even with him off to college. I pitied the girl who marries him.

Ryland wasn't a womanizer, but he wasn't innocent. He was a bit more honest than the typical douchebags. If he hooked up with a girl, she knew it was nothing more than what it was: a hookup. There was only one time I saw Ryle interested in one girl, and that was Whitney Davis. She was a volleyball player and a grade below him. I remember seeing her in the halls during my freshman year. She was pretty and popular, but her attitude was atrocious. I'm not saying that because she rejected my brother. She was known for her snarky remarks and insolent behavior on and off the court. What attracted Ryland to her was something I never understood. Thankfully, karma was on our side, and she found herself pregnant for Cyrus Gaitor, one of Ryland's old teammates. Cyrus was the son of Fredrick Gaitor, the mayor of the town. He was nothing like his father, lacking both brains and looks. I remember how the whole town chattered about her and questioned her decision to have a child with Cyrus. It was a debacle. People spoke about it for months, which is surprising considering the town has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates. Then again, it wasn't her pregnancy that caused the stir, but rather who she got pregnant with that made the town talk.

 I was listening to music when Ryland opens my door. He's wearing a faded Wilcaster tee and some basketball shorts. It's the first time I notice he has on a durag too. Ryland looks like our dad, mostly. He is above six feet, mocha-colored skin with a chiseled jaw and full lips. He got his sharp nose from our maternal grandfather and his almond eyes from our mother. Ryland is handsome. In my childhood years, I remember pleading to God to give me a boyfriend who looked just like Ryle. 

"Can I talk to you for a sec?" He asks, not waiting for my response before taking a seat on the edge of my bed. Ryland and I were close in our childhood. Puberty kind of stole that relationship away from us. Our mom thinks we will be close again when we realize how stupid the things we care about during puberty are. I think she just hopes that we do.

I sit up in the bed and look up at him, "What's up?" Ryle gazes at me. His eyes locked on mines. His gaze doesn't fall, so I feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, Lele?" He says, closing his eyes. I notice his fists are clenched, and he's breathing deeply. It seems as if he's annoyed. There were only a few things that bothered Ryland. They were losing a game, getting benched, getting carded for something stupid, being lied to, and someone hurting his family. Considering the circumstances we were in, all the game-related reasons were not applicable, so that left the last two options. It took little time for me to understand what he meant.

"Ryle, it isn't what you think," I whisper, playing with my hands. Getting caught by Ryland is painful. Despite knowing I did nothing wrong, the thought that I may have disappointed him hits me harder than it should. I thought I would have some time before this moment came, but I guess the time wasn't on my side.

"Is it, Rylee? Because from what I heard, you were claimed for the season by Theo Bradshaw." He says with his teeth clenched.

"That part is true, but we aren't having-" I try to explain, but Ryland jumps up.

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