'Why?' Logan asked.

'I'LL RENT US PORNSTARS!' I exclaimed. I knew Mike wouldn't- COULDN'T deny.

'Aaaaand sold.' He declared. I laughed and wiggled, trying to get down from Logan.

'Logan I swear to God I will pay you fifty dollars for you to put my down.' I said.

'For real?!' I could hear the surprise in his voice.

'I literally have some cash somewhere in my room which I'll give to you.' I said.

'Mkay.' He dropped me so that I landed on my feet before collapsing on the floor.

'This feels like high-school bullying all over again.' I laughed. 

'I forgot you got bullied in high school.' Logan stated. 

'Oh yeah, that reminds me of something I need to say.' I said, realising Mike had switched the camera off. 'I'm going to England on Wednesday.'

'You're joking.' Logan's mouth dropped open.

'I just thought I'd let you know.' I put my hands up defensively, sensing an oncoming argument.

'Well you're not.' Logan shook his head. 'Letting you stay with JJ was one thing, but staying in the UK with nobody you know?' Hell no, Addie.'

'No offence Logan, but you don't really have any say in whether or not I'm going.' I responded. 'You might not like it- but I'm still going! And plus, what do you mean I'm going to the UK with nobody I know? I know everyone I'm going with. And besides- I did it when I went to University! I didn't know anyone, but I managed just fine.'

'Well you're going with people I don't know.' Logan shook his head. 'Besides- how long will you even be there?' He asked.

'I don't know.' I ran and hand through my currently loose hair. 'I'm going for Wireless- but I don't know whether I'll actually be staying for any longer.' 

'Well look. You aren't going.' Logan said, walking away.

'But-' I tried to protest.

'THAT'S FINAL!' He yelled, walking away. 

I was pissed- but of course I was still going. His opinion didn't make a scratch on my plans.

I looked at the time on my watch to see that it was currently three thirty. I walked back up the stairs and knocked on Jake's door, cautious of stepping in to see another unholy thing.

'What's up?' Jake opened the door.

'Do you have any plans for the next few days?' I asked.

'Today- No. Tomorrow is JoJo Siwa's birthday and we're going with Tydus, and on Wednesday I suppose we're doing nothing.' He shrugged.

'I'm sorry- JoJo is having a party?' I asked.

'Yep, and you're coming with me and Tydus.' He nodded.

'Happily with you and Tydus, but I just dislike JoJo.' I groaned. 'But she does throw some good parties.' I debated out loud.

'Exactly.' He grinned. 'Apparently she's rented out the whole of a theme park for tomorrow.' 

'Fucking Hell.' I said, awe-struck.

'Since when did you start swearing for no reason?' Jake raised an eyebrow.

'I didn't realise.' I said, realising how much more I had started to swear. 'Anyways, you know how I like to know everything that's going on. What the Hell do I get Jo, when do we go to the party, and what should I wear.' I said. 

'Go to the Mall today and just get her anything tacky which looks 'cute', we need to be ready to go for the party by two o'clock so that we can get there at three, and wear a casual dress or skirt and top thing.' He said.

'One last question.' I said.

'What now.' He rolled his eyes and laughed.

'Is anyone else going apart from Tydus and us?' I asked.

'Nope.' He said, popping the P.

'Alright, well I'm going to go buy her something.' I said.

'Seeya.' Jake saluted, closing the door.

I walked away from the door and into my room, using the toilet and changing my pad before washing my hands and exiting the bathroom. I grabbed my bag and slung it around my shoulder, also chucking a water bottle inside it. I took my vlogging camera from the desk and switched it on.

'Hey, what's up, it's me Addie, back again with another vlog, if you are new around here and saw this video in your recommended or from a friend, then I am Addison Rae Paul, best of the Paul family- hit that follow and like button because you can, and because you don't get any bad content on this channel.' I started saying to the camera, waving my hands as I said stuff and moving the camera around with my hand motions. 

'Anyways, today I am going to the mall to pick up a present for JoJo Siwa, since her birthday party is coming up soon.' I said. I didn't say that her birthday was tomorrow, since JoJo might've been offended if she was watching. 'So JoJo, if you ARE watching, click off so that this is a complete surprise for you on the day. Anyhow, without further ado, let's friggin goo.' I ran out of my room and hopped onto the stair banister, sliding smoothly down.

'Man, I forgot just how much I missed sliding down this banister.' I said out loud, focussing the camera on the banister. 'Oh yeah.' I panned the camera back around to me as I started talking. 'I am currently back at the Team's house, but not for long- because I will be going to Wireless this year with your possible favourites, the Brit boys and girls I have recently been spending time with-'

'YOU AREN'T!' Logan could be heard yelling in the distance.

'Guess who's going to miss me a ton.' I laughed. 'Then again I am me, and I am... Unmissable...?' I questioned myself. I laughed at the randomness as I walked out of the front door and up to my car. I positioned my camera on my dashboard so that I could talk and drive at the same time.

'Let's go, everyone!' I cheered.

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