Just Another Ordinary Day (Part 5)

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| Fresh

Turns out that I have Gym right now. Which of course is going to be a complete disaster because I can't even throw a ball right! And to top it all off, there was PJ standing at the other end of the humongous gymnasium with his friendly little gang.

'Hey, Freeeeshh,' Alphys poked my shoulder. 'Earth to Fresh?'

'Huh?' I came back to my senses with a jerk. 'Oh, sorry Alphys. I was just thinking about my non-existent talents at sports.'

'Oh, you'll be fine. PJ's team is gonna play basketball against the other jocks. You don't need to worry about participating.' Alphys gave me a big grin and faced front again. I sighed.

Oh well. At least I had a good view from up here on the bleachers. I just hope that the ball doesn't come flying into my face.

'NoW gEt tO iT, MoNstErs!' Coach Error shouted, then blew on his whistle so shrilly that I nearly jumped out of fright. Oh, and also damaged my somehow-existing ears...

I saw PJ and the rest of the jocks line up left and right, facing each other in perfect rows. Jeez. I mean, I knew that Coach Error was military-level demanding, but seriously?

'sO,' Coach Error paced back and forth between the two teams, eyeing each Monster with a small frown. 'YoU kiDs tHiNk yoU'Re tOuGh, hUh?'

I gulped. I certainly didn't. Was it weird that I felt bad for those poor jocks who were going to be absolutely tortured?

PJ stood with a bored expression on his skull like he didn't even care about his dad scowling right at him. How does that guy even...?

'AlL riGhT, yOU kNoW thE rULeS,' Coach Error blew on his whistle again loudly. 'No cHeAtiNG!'

And with that, the match began. As far as I knew, the "match" was just a practice session for the real competition with other schools. The tournament was coming up soon, or at least that's what Alphys told me. She even had the audacity to add that I should have "joined too, so I could be in PJ's team."

Sigh. All of this was pretty exciting, but sports is just not for me. I would look stupid if I even tried. Like, totally stupid. And even if PJ is nicer to me now, I don't think we'd ever be friends.

'Go, Undyne! PJ and you can do it!' Alphys cheered beside me, then turned pink when I looked at her with a "really?" expression. She rephrased the next one; 'Uh, go Team Floweys? I'm sure you're gonna win!'

I rolled my eye-lights and leaned back, crossing my arms. Might as well get comfortable. While the shouts and cheers of the other Monsters kept bouncing around in my skull, I let my vision wander across the gym. It was much bigger than the one at my old school. It was much nicer too...

PJ's shouts drew my attention back to the match. I sat straight again and uncrossed my arms. What was going on?

PJ then did something really unexpected.

'Geeeettt dunked on!' PJ yelled in triumph as he somehow managed to sail through the air with a (practically gravity-defying) jump and land a perfect slam dunk.

What. The. Heck!?

I'm pretty sure that my jaw was hanging open along with Alphys'. I can't believe that I had missed the whole match! I mean, I knew that PJ was good, but to know that he was this good came as a bit of a shock.

'T-T-Told you s-so. By th-the w-w-way, PJ's te-team won whi-whi-while y-you were zo-zoning out.' Alphys smirked at me. 'C-Careful, or-or else yo-you m-m-m-might get so-some nast-nasty cri-critters i-in there.'

Or not.

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