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My exams are over! And also, it's my birthday :D I figured it would be a cool idea to continue the story today XD

I missed doing this story, honestly. How are you doing, everyone?

Warning: Mild violence and a lot of cussing in this chapter. Also, it's totally not as though certain words are in code :P

| Fresh

At first, I thought confusedly that I'd just woken up from a dream. You know, that strangely disconnected feeling you get just after waking up?

Unfortunately, it only lasted for about three seconds. When I came back to my senses, the first thing I noticed was the thick smell. And the dust, that was clogging my nasal cavity and not letting me breathe (not that I actually needed to, which was a relief, considering the situation).

I blinked, in a daze, expecting the darkness to slowly get lighter. Was I in my room....?

My head suddenly cleared up as I attempted to inhale anyway, causing the dust in my nasal cavity to poof out in small clouds and send me into a fit of coughing. 

What happened!? Was I...oh my gods, those pieces of ceiling fell on me, because of Undyne--

Okay, don't panic!! Someone's probably trying to get me out of here--

Ow. My coughing fit made me shake, and of course, I just noticed that I was very much (painfully) pinned down by bits of rubble. No wonder it was so dark. And smelly. Ugh.

Is it weird that I'm trying to be calm about this situation!?

Wait, were those...voices?


| PJ

'Dad!' I said quickly, 'Can you see him yet?' I stood up WA==and clapped my hands free of gritty dust before walking over to where Dad was. He was still somewhere in the middle of all the damn rubble, so his voice came out even weirder and muffled than before.

'No...I'm sTilL loOkiNg--' 

I grunted in frustration. That goddamn Undyne--if she hadn't gone crazy and decide to use magic that hasn't been around for practically centuries, this wouldn't have happened.

How the hell did she even do that?

'We have to find him,' I said angrily, more to myself as I went back over to my place, staring at the rubble. We'd been digging for an hour, and still couldn't find Fresh. It wasn't like the entire building collapsed on top of him, and yet this thing was taking so long-- Ugh. 

I sighed and got back to work. Screw my arms aching. I didn't want to see him dead in there just because I didn't try hard enough--

And the stupid thing is that Dad didn't want others to help. He insisted on doing it himself. Well, along with me. Not that I would have said no, anyway, considering I was frantically trying to find the klutz like a madman earlier. Somehow he managed to intimidate everyone into listening to him?

Well, my Dad's weird. I just hope we find Fresh before the cops get here.

'HeY--YYyY- PJ! GeT oVeR hErE!' I heard Dad's voice reach me from...wherever he was. I straightened up with a pained mutter and walked over to where he was. 'What--'

'I fOuNd hiM.'

'What!?' I rushed over and peered into the oddly tunnel-shaped hole that my dad had made (is he an earthworm or something--). 'He's there? Where? I don't see--'

The rubble exploded. 

I'm not joking. It literally burst outwards like a balloon being popped. I had to jump away before the pieces could hit me.

'Dad! WHat the hell!? YoU could have killed all of us!' I snapped, then noticed Fresh lying on the floor.

He gave me a weak grin. 'Hey, PJ.'


'Oh my god, Fresh--' I kneeled down by him. 'Are you okay?' He didn't seem to have any--

The klutz winced. 'Well, kind of? I--' he coughed, 'I'm mostly fine. Just... have a lot of...ugh, dust in my nose.' 

'CoMe oN. We sHouLd gEt hiM tO tHe hoSpiTal,' Dad said, turning to the door.

'Now wait just a damn minute. How the fuck did you do that?' I said in disbelief, the weight of what happened finally hitting me in the skull. 'You made it explode!'

Dad sighed. 'LoOk--'

'Ah!' Fresh gasped aloud in pain. I hadn't even noticed that he'd tried to sit up. I quickly caught him before he fell backwards onto the floor. 

'Stay still, you dumb klutz,' I said sharply as I attempted to support him with my arms. 'Don't move around so much!'

Fresh grimaced. 'My leg...I think... it's fractured.' 

'What?' I blinked, then glanced down at his left ankle. 'But I don't see any break-- oh shit.'

I hadn't seen it earlier, but there was a medium-sized crack running across the bone of his tibia and lie or fib or something--but oh my god it made me sick just looking at it.

'Oh my gods, Fresh! Holy fucking--Dad, call the ambulance already!' I felt so, ugh squeamish that I had to look away. Fresh was gritting his teeth, I saw as I glared at my dad when he wasn't listening to a goddamned word I was saying.


'WhAt?' he turned to look at me from where he was doing something on his phone. 'Oh...wELL, thAt'S nOt gOod.'

'Ya think!?' I almost screamed. 'Do yOu wAnt him to die or what!? Call the fucking ambulance--'

'OkAy, oKAY, I'm oN iT! JeEz...'

I stifled the urge to yell at him again and turned my attention back to the nerd. 'Just hang in there, okay? They'll be here soon. I hope,' I said the last part quietly to myself. 

Fresh coughed once, then nodded. 'Okay...'

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