[07] Saving PJ

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| Fresh

I inhaled appreciatively as I stepped out of the school doors. The air was fresh for once, and it was definitely better than literally feeling it on my face.

Well, it's time to go home and hit the hay.

Humming the tune of a crappy cereal commercial song, I made my way to the roadside and looked up at the sign. It was red. Looks like I'll have to wait for a bit. I watched gleaming, brinjal-coloured, hideously yellowed, polished, dusty, small and big mopeds and cars speed by to while away the time.

Then suddenly out of the corner of my eye(socket) I saw that jock.

God, no. Why did I have to keep running into this insanely hot person every time I try to avoid him!?

Oh nope, scratch that. He's not hot at all, no. He is insanely ugly (yes, that's a thing), and I am totally not into him. This isn't some sort of cliché eighteenth-century romance novel where that love-at-first-sight crappola actually exists.


As I turned my attention back to the tar road, I saw that it was miraculously clear. Knowing that the crossing light would be green anyway, I stepped onto the zebra crossing, when something made me pause.

Namely, PJ lying in the middle of the road, frozen like a deer in headlights while I heard the steady throb of an engine speeding his way.

My eyesockets widened. Oh no.

As much as I hated this jock, I didn't want him to get pancaked on the road and make me go to court as an eyewitness. Forcing my legs to move, I ran further along the pavement and dove towards PJ.

'Come on, you dumb jock!' I cursed, grabbing his arm as I watched the truck get closer, even closer. The stupid driver didn't seem to see us; either that or his brakes weren't working.

'Hey!' I yelled desperately in a futile attempt to stop the oncoming vehicle, waving my arm like a madman while trying to drag PJ up with the other. Giving up, I used both my arms to haul him up (boy, was he heavy!) and pushed him to the pavement.

I slumped, panting, on the cool sidewalk as me and PJ both watched the truck go on its merry skeleton-killing way.

Dear stars. I turned towards PJ as he looked back at me. The dumbstruck expression in his eyes ticked me off.

'What were you thinking? You could have gotten yourself killed, you fluffing cucumber!' I snapped, wanting to call him more than a vegetable. But due to my, ahem, discretion, I wasn't going to do that.

'I... I tripped... I mean, I didn't look, I didn't see where I was going...' the dark-boned skeleton muttered shamefacedly.

I sighed. 'Nevermind.' Atleast he was still alive, thanks to my amateur talent of baseball tackling.


We were extremely lucky that the school hadn't closed down yet; PJ managed to hobble back to Nurse Toriel's office. She, of course, managed to perform a fantastic impression of a mother hen before I finally told her to quit it.

Poor Goat Mom, though. She's like my adoptive mother. I've been in her office so many times it was like my home away from home.

'Well, that was something, huh?' PJ smirked at me. I almost gaped at him. How the fudge can be so casual about something like this!?

I was still trying to come to terms with the fact that I had saved this guy's life.

Instead, I huffed in annoyance. 'Whatever. You'll have to thank me later.'

He was silent for a few moments, his smile fading to be replaced by something else, like he was thinking.

'...Thank you,' he said quietly. I snorted. 'What was that?' I asked, pretending to not have heard. This was literally a golden moment. The great PJ, ruler of the school, was actually apologizing. To me, of all Monsters.

'I said, thanks...' he said nearly incomprehensibly again.

'Oh, I'm sorry,' I said, feigning innocence, 'I couldn't quite hear you over your ego.'

'I said thank you for saving me, okay!' he half-yelled.

'That's better,' I smirked in self-satisfaction.

A few companiable moments passed by again.

'Actually...' PJ said slowly, 'didn't you call me a cucumber earlier?'

I raised a faux-brow. 'Yeah, what about it?'

'Nothing. Just a little surprised.'

'Oh, I'm full of surprises, buddy,' I smirked again. Namely, the king of sass surprise!

(Wait, what?)

(Me: That kind of sounded like mystery meat surprise or something...
Fresh: Ewwww)

Then we looked at each other, and burst out laughing.


That's right, folks! I'm back from the dead! Wasn't expecting that, eh?

Well, here's a new chapter for all your trouble, and I also have something else to say. For those of you hardcore Paperfresh shippers, sorry if there's no romance yet.

I honestly want to treat this like a real story, and not just as something without a plot. In fact, this story is going to be so long and so action-packed it'll probably end up as a novel.

But don't worry! I'm working on introducing Fresh and PJ's relationship!

Until next time ;)

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