Chapter one: A home to wait in

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Alright, this is my first fan-fic and i will tell you right now, as much as i want to, i do not own naruto. i only own Ririsu Kurai or any other OC's i come up with.  thank you and remember, vote, comment, and fan! -Brady Rosemeier

As i walk through the trees, towards the village hidden in the leaves, two men come down to me, and block my path.

"well hello little miss, what are you doing out here by your lonesome? does the spirit of youth guide you to me?" said the one. He had on a quite interesting attire. A green jumpsuit and a jounin vest. he also wore a headband around his waist. as i study him, the other man, who i recognized instantly from the bingo book, as kakashi hatake of the sharingan, or the copy cat ninja, was studying me as well.

that's the leaf headband. I found it.

"hello Kakashi Hatake. i request that you take me to the hokage. i wish to become a shinobi in the village hidden in the leaves." I said in my monotone voice.

"who are you? and how do you know my name?" kakaashi asked.

"my name is Ririsu Kurai. your name is in the bingo book...why else would any one outside of your village recognize you?" I stated calmly. as soon as i said my name he looked shocked. name must be in the bingo book as well......i'll have to do something about that.

"come with us. we will take you to the hokage." Kakashi said calmly.

with that we started running towards the village. we entered the gates and i saw the two guards sleeping with their heads on the desk. i laughed inwardly at their carelessness. we ran down what could be considered the main strip of the village. all of a sudden an orange blur came running at me. "Naruto get back here!" one ninja said, who was chasing after the orange blur, who i guessed was naruto. the problem was he didn't watch where he was going, and ran right into me, knocking me to the ground. I growled at the boy who was i'm guessing my age. he immediatly got off and started running away all over again.

"sorry about him." Kakashi said he helped me up and i dusted myself off. i shrugged and kept walking. i looked up at the hokage mountain, and cringed. it was covered in graffiti. kakashi noticed this and instantly paled.

"even his father's face was painted."he said with sheer disapointment. we finally arrived at the hokage's building. we entered and walked up the stairs, passing several anbu along the way. they looked at me funny as i walked up the stairs behind kakashi. he knocked on a door at the top of the stairs and we heard a brisk enter from inside. we entered an i saw an old guy in the normal hokage attire, smoking a pipe.

"well hello my dear, what brings you to konoha?"the hokage asked politly.

"i wish to become a shinobi in your village." i stated in my monotone voice once again. He looked at me with a weird expression on his face.

"the blue flame wants to join my village as a shinobi? you are an S ranked criminal, and to top it off, you are the only one to recieve the black vest in the history of the world, and at the age of ten no less. you are also the last remaining member of the Kurai family, who was wiped out by the ten tailed wolf, destroying not your family's compund, but the whole village hidden in the darkness."

i looked at him with no emotion on my face.

"yes, i would like to join your village as a shinobi." i said, bored.

"very well. you will no longer be able to wear the black vest however, and will have to be considered a gennin for a while. just until we can get things settled. you will go to school like any normal gennin, which is ending in two days."he said, opening a desk drawer, and then tossing me a key.

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