Chapter six: the fan girls of the Akatsuki

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I woke up In a dark room. From the way everything felt, I was in an infirmary. I still had my eyes closed, but I wasn't alone. I sensed two chakras in the room, and three inside it. One was right next to me, about to touch me. I had a splitting head ache, which meant it was almost a full moon.

Crap how long have I been out?

I felt someone touch my arm. I flashed into the corner of the room. There was a crash of glass as I kneeled down in pain. I threw up a bit of blood and I felt someone move closer.

“stay back!” I yelled. “aaaahhhh” I gripped my head in pain as the demon howled inside me. Then I realized something. He wasn't alone. The four tails and the seven tails were in me now.

“so he actually went through with it.” I said weakly. I wiped my mouth and stood up. I looked up at who was in the room with me. Konan, Nagato, and Kakazu, the old man who was their healer, were all standing as still as they could.

“How long was I out?” they looked at me in relief as they realized I wasn't going to burn them alive.

“three and a half weeks.” my eyes widened.

“Shit! I don't have enough time to get there. Shit. Shit. Shit!!!” I was pacing back and forth and scaring the shit out of all three of them by showing emotion. Nagato looked at me.

“what are you talking about?” he asked nervously.

“the full moon is in three days. The only room made of pure obsidian is five days away in the Yami village. And I don't have enough chakra to transport myself there. Shit!!!” he looked at me as if I was speaking gibberish. “the ten tails. Every full moon it gets strong enough to try and get free. And it almost did last time. The chakra you felt when you were by the Yami village? Yeah that was me.” he got a smile to his eyes all of a sudden.

“then it's your lucky day. We brought that chamber here. We were gonna study it, but, heh, we know it's purpose now...” Nagato then led me to the door. Kisame and Itachi were outside guarding the door. Kisame had a smile on his face as I walked out. But as soon as he saw me he got pale.

“ummm.....Ririsu, your sword,it's in my room, i was the only one who knew how to take care of her, so I was given custody.” he looked scared. He was practically sweating bullets too.

“thank you Kisame. I need you to hang on to it for a little while longer. I also need you to find the location of her brother.” I started walking away but I felt a hand on my shoulder. Itachi was on the other side of that hand.

“i will be outside, so you won't be alone.” his face showed no emotion but his eyes said other wise. He was worried about his cousin. I nodded my head and looked over at Kisame who was looking over at us curiously.

We followed nagato through the hide out, down this hall, take a left here a right there. This place was a maze.

Good thing I have a photographic memory, otherwise I would get lost.

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