chapter fourteen: an old friend

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“ririsu you may be the strongest one here, with six tailed beasts inside of you, but you can’t bring random people here!” konan yelled at me. I had brought mother back to base. I was in pain’s office four days later. We just got done sealing the ichibi. I made him the same deal I made the others. i looked at her, and before I could burn her, pain spoke

“kill her. She knows too much about us. You should not have brought her here.” He said in an angry voice.

“I can’t. she is already dead. And the next time you threaten my mother you will be burned alive.” He looked shocked at what I just said.

“you learned the edo tensei didn’t you?” I nodded my head and he shooed me away. I grabbed my mask, put it back on, and walked to the living room, where I saw hidan on fire.

“at least it wasn’t me this time.” I said trying to hold in my laughter. Mother must have seen this because she came up to me and said,

“it’s okay to show emotion you know. You’re still human.”

“to show emotion is to show weakness. And to show weakness means a quick death.” she looked at me with sadness in her eyes. “i am going outside to train.” I said and walked down the hallway to the door leading outside.

“you know, you should give your mother a chance. It would do you some good to show emotion.” itachi said coming up behind me.

“i didn't bring her back for me, it was for anpu. It will always be for anpu. Unlike you I didn't team up with madara uchiha to kill my clan. My family. My friends. I only left because I was no longer wanted. Nor needed. There was nothing left of yamigakure. I only found out at the chunnin exams that my ex-best friend was still alive. if you really want to share my pain, kill sasuke. Kill your last family member. And then wallow in the dark until you don't know right from wrong. I get that it was an order, but it was an order that didn't need to be followed.” I walked away with him stunned in silence. I walked a long way from the base. I little too far. A cloaked figure had been following me since I left. I let the akatsuki cloak fall off and reveal my armor. I realized then that the man wasn't alone, and that they were anbu from the hidden leaf. And at the head of the pack was kakashi hatake and kurwolf. In a matter of seconds I was surrounded by at least twenty anbu.

“what do you want konoha? I haven't the time for you.” I said bored at the situation in front of me. Kakashi stepped up and tossed me a scroll. I caught it with ease. I opened it to reveal the death certificate of the third hokage. My eyes widened in shock. “who killed him?” I asked.

“orochimaru. He killed lord third with the help of the sand. He told us if it wasn't for you, he would have destroyed the village with a tailed beast. We are looking for a new hokage and wanted to let you know.” I looked at kakashi in confusion.

“but I am the enemy. Why would you let me know when your village was defenseless?” what he said next made me stop breathing in shock.

“you were placed on team seven with me. I still think of you as my student.” when I did start breathing again kurwolf spoke up.

“come back ririsu. Come back to the village. We need you. Hell, I need you.” he said desperately. And then my anger spiked.

“you have no room to speak Kurwolf. You forgot about me and the rest of the kurai as soon as the wolf attacked. Then I find your alive and living well? Do you know how much of a slap in the face that is?” I shook me head in anger. “we were best friends. You didn't look once. I looked every where for you. There was two bodies I didn't find, yours, and anpu's. I found him a month ago. I will spare you on a whim, instead of seeing you burn like I want to, I will let you go. Go find your damned fifth hokage. Tell him that the village won't be safe for long. He is coming and there is nothing you can do to stop me from killing him. And to think you and I might have had something, Kurwolf.” I said softly at the end. I did the handsigns for the flame transportation jutsu. “you find who your looking for in the little gambling town outside of the leaf. She won't be easy to convince.” I finished and started burning. Iwas almost done and then Kurwolf said something that any girl would have fallen head over heels to hear,

“i love you ririsu kurai.” my eyes widened in shock as I finished the techinque and appeared outside of a large village. I walked into the village and thought about what he said.

He said he loved me?how could he?i'm a criminal....

sometimes love is unconditional. You could be the devil and he would still love you. I know that when I fell in love, he didn't care that I was a demon with ten different tails. He knew that I would have nine kids at the same time, each different species than us, but he still loved me.

Anba I have six tailed beasts inside me and am labeled a criminal all throughout the shinobi world. Hell, I think even the samurai in the land of iron know of me. I can set things on fire by looking at it. How is that something to be loved?”

love is unconditional. I don't have the answers you are looking for.

And with that she went to the back of my mind and stopped talking to me.

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