Character Description

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Character description

Name:Ririsu Kurai (lilith of the dark)

age: 12

Appearance: black spiky hair, large spikey pony tail reaching down to her lower back, one purple eye one blue eye, her blue eye is always on fire when it is uncovered. wears only black and blue. usually wears black shorts down to her knees, a black and blue tank top that reaces down to her waist. Long billowy sleeves up to her shoulders. nice modified combat boots, with bulging black compartments that also serve as weights attached to her boots. carrys a katana strapped to her back.

Kekkei genkai: Shoshi (death by fire) can summon fire in any way she wants. she likes to use her left eye to summon the blue fire, but can summon it in any way.

Past: at the age of 3 she past the chunnin exam by herself in the mist village. that was the year that the bloody mist truly bacame bloody. zabuza himself, the last of the seven swordsman of the mist, faced her, and lost. she came a jounin of the black vest at the age of seven, and later became became that of a sannin at the age of ten. she has a cold attitude and has a large blood lust. she has the jubi inside of her. her mother sealed it inside her after it destoyed the kurai compound and the entire village hidden in the darkness. the ten tails was sent by madara uchiha who fought the darukage. she knows that he is still alive somewhere, and she is set on getting revenge. she always has a sword and alot of blades with her.

To Save or Destroy (Naruto Fan-Fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя