Chapter Ten: Arrival and a note from the Ichibi

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it took a week to get there, and we had several ambushes that we had to take care of. Kisame was still pissed he had to leave samehada behind. He took it out on every guy that ambushed us. When we finally got to the leaf village. We stopped at the gate and checked in. kotetsu and izumo were not there. They were probably at a debriefing or something. I nodded to aoi and kisame and Sasori followed me into the village. We walked to the far side of the village and walked up to the house that was once mine. I pulled out the key and walked inside.

“upstairs are three rooms. The farthest one from the stairs is mine. Feel free to take a different one.” I said coldly. They nodded and went upstairs to unpack. There was a banging on the door and I opened it part way. All of a sudden an anbu tried to cuff me with chakra cuffs.

“Ririsu Kurai you are under arrest.” I rolled my eyes and flashed behind them. I hit their pressure points and they knocked out. And with that note I walked to the hokage's building. I got a lot of strange looks from the villagers, but I don't care. I'm used to it. I walked up the stairs of the hokage building and waited outside as I knocked on the door. I heard a brisk come in and entered.

“hello old friend. How are you?” he said politely.

“not bad just saving your pathetic village.” he looked at me in shock.

“why would you save a village that isn't yours?” he asked intrigued. I looked at him and though what the hell.

“orders from my leader. Orochimaru has something we need. Not only that but so does the sand. I've come to collect. Now if you don't mind, I can finally sleep again, I’d be damned if I don't get as much as I can.” but before I could leave anbu appeared everywhere.

“what did you do to Naruto Uzumaki? And where is sasuke Uchiha? You may be the jinchuuriki of the ten tails but even you aren't as heartless as to take the last of the Uchiha clan.” said the hokage. I looked at him with the rinnegan activated.

“you're right, I didn't take him. In my honest opinion I wish we would have left him here till we left the chunnin exams. And as for Naruto, I freed him from the nine tails. He will have a normal life. And if he doesn't, well, let's just hope he does.

Man you are cruel. I like you more and more each day.

I know you do Anba,how are the other tailed ones?

Ask later, you're in a bind. Unleash all of your chakra. Maybe that will get them to shut up.

Sounds good.

I did exactly what she said and unleashed all my chakra. All the anbu either passed out or fell over. The hokage dropped his pipe and held his head.

“don't mess with me old man. I was a jounin of the black vest, I am an S-ranked criminal. And of course. I am stronger than my mother ever was. Now, here are my last words for you. Don't trust the Kazekage, he died a week ago.” i started to burn like a flame and started to disappear. I reappeared in my room to find that there was a note.

You want tailed beasts? I have one. You can have it. Just take it. Meet at the Kurai compound at midnight tonight. My offer stands until six o’clock tomorrow morning. Bring no one.

-the ichibi jinchuuriki

I looked at it in wonder. Why would he want to give it up and die? He is a shinobi right?

What do you think Anba?

Definitely a trap. Take all your weapons. And be cautious.

Understood. now as to my question earlier...

their fine. Kurama is pissed other than that, their fine. Now be careful.

And I could feel her presence fade. As if she went to go comfort the fox. I opened my door and went downstairs for food. Turns out, there was none. Fish boy ate it already. Since I knew Sasori doesn't eat, it had to be kisame. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my cloak. My pure black one since my Akatsuki cloak would get me in trouble. I walked to Ichiraku's place since it was close. I sat down and waited to order.

“What can I get ya?” said the old man behind the counter.

“miso ramen please.” I said quietly. He nodded and started cooking the noodles. I got lost in thought for a while but was quickly interrupted.

“YOU!! what did you do with Sasuke?!!!” I looked behind me only to find a mob of fan girls there. With Ino Yamanaka and Sakura Haruno in front fingers pointed at me. My ramen was put in front of me and I began to eat it quietly after paying the old man. I felt a hand on my shoulder and a kunai to my neck. I growled an inhuman growl and turned around quick and punched her light enough to send her flying but not hard enough to break any bones.

“get lost pinky. He's fine. Annoying, but fine.” I turned around and finished my ramen and began my walk to my old village and home.

To Save or Destroy (Naruto Fan-Fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu