Chapter Twenty-three: Dying and the pain of living

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after we teleported to where ever it was we went, I felt no trace of anyone's chakra but the Akatsuki.

I need to use that ace in the hole at just the right time. I've been practicing for weeks. Seven is truly better than one.

I began doing the complicated hand signs behind my back that would eventually lead to my escape. Right as I was on the last hand sign, the seal was ripped off of my head. I completed it and heard six poofs around me.

“talk about timing. Her's is even worse than Kakashi's tardiness.” I looked around the area we had arrived in and then looked at my captors.

“why are we in an obsidian room. Scared of me having help? Or is it something else? Are you just scared of facing me and losing?”i looked at each and everyone of them in turn. “can anything be heard or seen in this room?” I asked curiously, head tilting slightly. They each shook their head no. “oh joy. Let's have some fun shall we? No holding back boys.” I said deviously. I immediately began forming the Susano'o and setting up the Amaterasu on it. Itachi summoned his and we had a small dueling battle with our giant swordsmen. And then kisame fused with samehada and tried to drown me. The water couldn't get close to me. Konan almost got me with her paper but it burned and she backed off with no other choice. Nagato got through my Susano'o with his chakra rods and I blocked with the death glare. I had dispersed my paths along time ago seeming as they weren't needed., and was starting to regret it. I grit my teeth in anger as he stood on an even chance against me. Then Deidara kept constantly throwing his clay bombs at my Susano'o. I was getting tired of their poor attempts. Poor attempts that were working. I finally shoved Nagato away and slammed my sword into the ground, fire surrounding me in a wide circle blowing the Akatsuki back.

“i have had enough of these petty attempts. If you really want to succeed in bringing me back to konoha, than I will make a deal. One fighter. One person. If that person would defeat me in a spar, no ninjutsu, no taijutsu,no genjutsu, only swords, than I will willingly come with you back to that pathetic village. If not, you will all die this day. Including you, little brother.” I finished, looking at Anpu.

“we will take that deal. Anpu, go.” Nagato said and my little brother stepped forward. I nodded my head in disapproval. He drew his katana and I whipped the death glare out of the ground. My left eye blazed with the shoshi as did his. The red versus the black. Both of our fires began to surround us in a wide circle. When the circle was completed we both let control of our own fire go, concentrating solely on the fight about to take place. We both got into fighting stances as we gripped our blades tighter. We charged at the same time, with the clang of metal we fought with no chance of stopping. It was slash, perry, block, slash, dive, roll and repeat for the both of us for a long time. Then the flames around us turned red, indicating Anpu was taking control of the fire. I was amazed at how strong my little brother had gotten. And before I knew it, my throat was slashed open as the fire died out. My eyes were wide with shock, pure disbelief that I had been mortally wounded in such a way. There was a gasp of shock from the group outside the flames and I could have sworn that I heard a mourning howl.

***Nagato's POV***

Konan gasped in shock as soon as the flames died. We all practically stopped breathing when they died. The blood spilling out of the gash in her throat was like a waterfall. Just so much so fast. The look in her eyes went from shock to happiness. As if she was going to be at peace finally. I ran straight to the girl that I used to know, hoping that there was a chance in the entire world, that she would live. I looked her straight in the eyes and was caught in a genjutsu. I saw the scorched earth and a girl in a black cloak sitting on a burnt log and looking at the full moon. I walked up to her and restrained myself from hugging the girl. It was Ririsu.

“you know I will survive, don't you? A deals a deal. Take me to konoha. I probably won't ever be able to speak again, but I will live. Have Tsunade look over me, tell Kurwolf I am back. And mostly tell Anpu I am sorry. I tried so hard to be his big sister, but I was never there. I was only focused on revenge. And for that I am sorry. Oh, and if I wake up in a damn hospital, I will not hesitate to kill everyone and move my plans back into my agenda. Got it?” she said in a cheery voice. I nodded my head with a smirk. I was then holding her “dying” form on the ground as her eyes closed.

“a deal is a deal. Let's go to konoha.” I said sadly. I did a hand sign an appeared outside the leaf village. Most people stopped to see who it was I was carrying, but others go out knives when they saw who it was. I heard the rest of the Akatsuki poof in behind me. Following solemnly in step with me as we walked to the hokage's building. I walked up those flight of stairs, knocked on Tsunade's office, opened the door and heard her cry out in shock.

“get me a med unit! Now!” she yelled, hoping to save her goddaughter.

“there is nothing you can do. I am taking her with me to an undisclosed location. And the Akatsuki is coming with me. There is no arguing this point.”i turned to Konan and told her quietly which base we were going to. She nodded her head, a worried look on her face. “we will be back, we are not abandoning this village Tsunade, we are saving it.” I said with a sad smile, and with a hand sign I was gone.

***Ririsu's POV***

alright so I know I am dead but damn don't give me the riot act Anbu, jeez. I will be fine in a while.

You won't be able to speak you idiot! Did you really think that because you were being slowly consumed, that you would heal? The only thing that will heal, is the wound in your kneck. Not your vocal chords.

Well if that snake wouldn't have injected me with whatever he injected me with, I would be just fine. You and I both know this.

We were sitting in the confines of my mind, with the fires around us in embers instead of the usual blazing infernos they usually were. I could feel the tug on my mind being pulled as the wound on my neck closed and my physical body started to gain blood back so I could reenter it.

If it happens again I won't hesitate to kill you myself.

Which is impossible you love me to much. And then I opened my physical eyes and saw black.

A/N  short i know, but i have to get ready for school and all that good stuff. what do you think of the new spacing? give me ideas on which way this story could go and what i could do to make it better please. and please remember to vote, comment and like!   - Cerberusofheaven

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