Chapter sixteen: captured for the first time

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I woke up with a beeping sound in my ear.

Fuck! I'm in a hospital.

“ah, your awake. It took a while for us to get your armor off Ririsu. Kabuto really did a number on you.” I knew that voice. And I didn't like the fact that I was hearing it. I tried to raise my arm but couldn't. I had hand cuffs on them.

“for the love of Jashin Kakashi. Could you at least take the damn cuffs off?” I asked annoyed.

“no can do. You are a wanted S-rank criminal. Ibiki will be here soon to interrogate you.” I nodded and asked the question on my mind.

“did you find her? Did you find Tsunade?” he nodded his head and walked out of the room to talk to the anbu. A small explosion went off outside the room. i sighed and tried to get up. i got out of bed to find my armor on......sorta. The back plate to my spiky armor was laying on the floor, in pieces. i looked at my back and saw black feathered wings. “so that's what he injected me with.” I sighed and broke my cuffs and walked out side my room, to find Deidara and Sasori. Not to mention the Uchiha team. “what a rescue team.” I said as I leaned on the wall. They looked at me and the elder uchihas flashed next to me to catch me as I fell. Kakashi started running towards me as I surrounded the akatsuki members in fire. And then we disappeared. We appeared in the akatsuki base just seconds later. In front of pain. “you son of a bitch! You put me in a hospital!” he put up his hand in a surrender kind of look.

“it was the only way we could get you the help you needed. Kakazu and Konan didn't have the medical experience you needed. And konoha was the closest village.”i stood up straight.

“your luck has run out. My mask is off and I am a little pissed.” he looked at me in shock then started burning. Konan looked from me to him.

“stop it your killing him!” she cried. I looked her and then to nagato. I sighed and then put out the fire.

“itachi, tobi, take me to my room.” they took me to my room and sat me down. “itachi, what of dominiqua? Is she alright?” I asked curiously.

“yes she is fine. She is with your brother and mine in the living room.” I nodded my head and layed down.

“Wake me up in three hours.” I said with no emotion but tiredness. He nodded his head once and left me to sleep.

***Three hours later***

Unknown POV

she looked so innocent sleeping there with her new wings tucked behind her back. She looked like the angel I thought she would be. Who knew my daughter would become so strong. I heard footsteps coming down the hall outside. “time to go. My darling, you are coming with me this time.” I picked her up bridal style and walked to the corner. I created a portal to where I was staying in the final valley. I arrived and took her to the spare room and had to hand cuff her to the bed. Precautions to make sure she doesn’t run away. She started to stir and her eyes went wide open.

“wow madara. Way to take a wounded women. What are you going to do with me? Have your way with me? Torture me? extract the bijuu from me?” in the time she had been sleeping, her chakra had returned, much to my misfortune.

***Ririsu POV***

I wake up to find the person I hate the most in front of me.

“wow madara. Way to take a wounded women. What are you going to do with me? Have your way with me? Torture me? extract the bijuu from me?” I moved to break the chains on my wrist but he moved to talk first.

“I know where your father is.” I stopped all movement and glared at him.

“and where is that bastard. Who is he?!!” he shuffled around a bit and then said something to make my blood run cold.

“me. I am your father.” I looked at him in shock.

He can't be. Anba, is he telling the truth? Please tell me he isn't...

I’m sorry but, he isn't lying. He really is your father. I'm sorry.

All the tailed beasts I acquired started growling. Then six medium sized small clouds surrounded me, and out came six bijuu. Ready to strike.

“Come any closer to her and I will rip your head off.” Kurama.

“it's about time you take your leave Madara. While you still have your pride.” Son Gokuu.

“Leave. Now. Before I rip your ancient head off.” Anba.

“let me go you old bastard. You have no right stepping into my life as if you didn't do anything wrong. You killed my mother! The mother of your child! How dare you step into my life now that I have everything I need.” each word I said he flinched as if I had hit him. A swirl of air appeared next to my bed and out came Obito. “Obito you son of a bitch! Does pain know that you betrayed him?” he threw something down on top of me. It was my mask. And pieces of paper.

“ does he know you put his organization in danger by wearing that mask? You killed the leader of the anbu of amegakure. And then proceeded to burn down the city. We both are keeping secrets.” he said as he took off his mask. In his other eye, the one covered by his mask, was the rinnegan. I activated my shoshi and tried to burn that eye. He repelled it and sent it back it to me. i put it out before it reached me.

“so what are you going to do now, madara?” I asked him. He looked at me and smiled. There was a roar some where outside the room.

“ I have the nibi and the sanbi. I will give them to you for a price.” I looked at him suspiciously.

“and what does the great Madara Uchiha want from me?” I asked, crazy for even considering it.

“my katana. It's in the leaf and I want it back. If you can get it for me, I will give you the two bijuu in my possesion. Is it a deal dear daughter?” I looked at him and wondered why I would even think about it.

“fine. I will do it. But give me the beasts firsts.” he smiled and nodded his head.


To Save or Destroy (Naruto Fan-Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon