Chapter Seven: The reveal of the Juubi

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We got done with the transfer of the five tails three days after we started. I was let down gently with one of Nagato’s jutsu. I felt a little unsteady, but otherwise I felt like I could take on the three sannin all at once.

“How do you feel, Ririsu?” asked Nagato and Konan as they appeared beside me.

“a little sick but otherwise I’m fine.” I got up stumbling to the door. Then I looked behind me. “Kisame!” he got up from his finger and looked rather pale. “go find the executioner’s blade. I am going to need it. He then saluted awkwardly and then ran away.

Chicken shit. Can’t even hold a conversation with me when I’m weak. Hey Anba, I thought as soon as I got another bijuu that you would tell me everything.

Then get to your room weakling.

Why you little...

I then nodded to Pain and I left for my room. As soon as I laid down on my bed I was pulled in front of the cage that contained the juubi.

“you mind telling me everything?” I asked in a demanding voice.

“if you would wait a bloody minute then maybe I could think of where to begin you little ingrate!” she said in a beautiful voice. I opened my left to light up the place and she growled at me.

“relax I am just going to light the place up so I can see.” I said to reassure her.

“oh it’s not that, it seems Nagato has given you some of his chakra, therefore giving you the rinnegan.” My eyes widened. I conjured a mirror and looked at my eyes. Sure enough she wasn’t lying.

“that son of a bitch…” I whispered angrily. I threw a chakra filled fire ball right at the cage.

“Hey! I didn’t do it so why are you throwing it at me?” she yelled in protest. I looked at her with hate filled eyes. And it wasn’t exactly directed towards her either. It was at pain. “oh, that’s why…” my rinnegan wasn’t purple. It was the same shade of blue as my shoshi.

“that’s it.” I left the world inside my head, just outside of the juubi’s cage. I went to put my armor on, but found it was replaced with the dasukage’s armor. My mother’s armor. The grieves with the long spikes, the chest plate with the ten point star, right down to the thigh armor that hung off the waist. I put it on to find it all fit. Including my sheath that had been upgraded for both the executioner’s blade and the death glare. I found a scroll that had been dropped in front of the door carelessly. There was a note attached to it.

Just some weapons for you. I am sure you are wondering about your eyes right now. Well they aren’t done yet. They will combine with your mangekyou sharingan, and when you see it, the byakugan. And of course your shoshi has already been added. -Nagato

P.S. come see me in my office.

I realized then that this was a summoning scroll. I bit my thumb till It bled and wiped it on the scroll. With a poof of smoke, at least a hundred shuriken and kunai came out of it. Not to mention a gunbai, the same exact weapon that Madara uses. A manriki gusari, which is a long chain with two weights on each end, was also present as well as a kunai sword. I think I was set for a while. I quickly did a jutsu that made the capacity of my weapon pouch infinite I put the manriki gusari, the kunai sword, and all of the shuriken and kunai in there. I turned around because I sensed a presence behind me, so I turned around with one hand on the death glare and one on the gunbai.

To Save or Destroy (Naruto Fan-Fic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя