Chapter Eleven: orochimaru and the ichibi's extraction.

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I decided that I would not kill the ichibi host, but I will take the demon.

Anba, get ready for the ichibi. Shukaku. What is his personality like anyways? I asked walking down an old forgotten path. She took a minute to think about it.

He is rather cocky. Arrogant, even. he thinks that he is the strongest out of the nine. But he is actually the weakest. However, he is one strong demon. You're going to need help against the jinchuuriki. They are never stable. Bite your thumb and do a summoning jutsu. I need to move around a bit.

I did what she said curious. A large cloud of smoke appeared in front of me. In the cloud of smoke was a large figure. A tail came out at me and slammed on to the ground mere inches away from me. The figure was a good twelve stories tall, and was starting to appear out of the smoke. First thing I saw was the black fur. Then the large paws, then the claws. And the ten tails. Sudden flashbacks came back to me.


“quick! Get the Darukage! We won't last much longer!” said a shinobi that was bleeding from one eye. All of a sudden, a wall of blue flame blocked the beast from the shinobi. On top of a large white wolf, was the darukage. In her rust red armor, minutes from death. Yet she didn't even know it. her left eye ablaze with the same blue fire that was blocking the juubi.

“Everybody! MOVE!” and they didn't hesitate to listen. For the darukage stood upon another demon's head. The ookami. The white wolf was beautiful. And dangerous at the same time. The juubi jumped through the fire and charged at the ookami. The Darukage jumped off and onto the black wolf. She set down the thing on her back, which was a small child, and started doing hand signs but before she could finish the wolf jumped into the village. And with a sweep of all of it's tails, the village and it's inhabitants, were gone.


The wolf looked down at me and for once in my life, I was scared. Then there was sand enveloping me. The wolf looked startled because I wasn't doing anything. Then she looked at my face and stopped moving. Then before anything could happen I teleported onto the wolf's head.

“destroy anything I don't want you to, and you will never be let out again. Do I make myself clear?” I said in the coldest voice I have ever said. She nodded her head and I looked at the boy who tried to kill me with his sand. We had made it to the ruins of my village a couple hours ago. And this boy had just showed up. He had blood red hair, a gourd on his back, and the kanji for love on his forhead. He wore normal suna gennin clothes. And had sea foam colored eyes.

“you must be the ichibi's jinchuuriki. Before I take it, why do you want to get rid of it so badly?”i asked in a rough voice. He looked at me funny. Probably because I was a girl with an eye patch, two extremely large swords, and the darukage's armor on.

“that's doesn't matter. Take it. Before I kill any one else.” I nodded and jumped down from anba's head.

“do you want to live? Or do you wish to die?” I asked him, wondering why I am even giving him the choice.

“do I even have a choice?” he asked bitterly. I rolled my eyes.

“why would I ask if you didn't? Do you think I like wasting my breath?” I said like the smartass I can be. He looked up shocked. He slowly nodded his head. “fine. You shall live.”i got a summoning scroll from my belt and did some hand signs. “Dark art: demon transfer.” I said in a monotone voice. I put the scroll up to his chest and he screamed so loud me and anba had to cover our ears. Well she did. My hands were busy. It was done ten minutes later. He passed out into my arms. I stood there rather awkward, a boy in my arms and a giant wolf behind me. Not to mention the demon in the scroll in my hand.

“anba? Can you shrink to a smaller size?” she nodded once and started to shrink. She shrank till she was small enough to fit on my head and not fall off. We looked kinda like Kiba Inuzuka. But with a different look all together. I took the boy over my shoulder which was awkward still, because I had to position him around the death glare and the executioner’s blade. Not mention the gunbai. I started sprinting back to konoha and to where the boy was staying. I jumped over the wall and onto roof tops as I came to he hotel the suna gennin were staying at. I went in he window of what I assumed to be his room. And instantly had a kunai at my neck.

“what are you doing with our little brother? A boy with purple face paint and a cat eared hat asked me in a dangerously low voice. I unleashed my chakra all the way and him and a girl who I didn't notice fell to the ground.

“i was saving him from the torture your village put him through. Now, he is sleeping. You wake him up he will most likely say that same thing.” I set him down gently on a bed and walked to the window. I jumped out and was immediately tackled.

“thank you so much Ririsu-chan!!! now people don't hate me!!! now I am an excellent ninja!” the orange blob that tackled me said. Naruto. I shoved him off me. Pissed that I wasn't able to sense him. I looked for anba to make sure she didn't run off. She was sitting on the ground next to us. As soon as I stood up, she running jumped onto my shoulder. Naruto looked at me with curiosity.

“what is that thing on your shoulder Ririsu-chan?” he tried to pet anba but he smacked her with one of her tails. “Oww!!” it was then that he noticed the all the tails. He started counting them. The idiot started counting them. “ten tails...the wolf has ten....tails....” he looked at me with sudden fear. “you're the ten tail's jinchuuriki...” I looked at him with disgust. He treated me just like the others. Even though he went through the same damn thing, he still thinks I am a monster.

“yes, I am. I am also the four, five, seven, and nine tail's jinchuuriki. And as of tonight, the one tail's as well.” he looked at me in shock.

“how can you deal with that much chakra in your body?!!” he shouted. And at that moment sasori showed up and knocked naruto out.

“ah sasori-kun, still a puppet I see. So this is the blue flame? She really doesn't look like much. Blow a little fire will you baby girl? Ha ha ha! And what is that on your shoulder?” orochimaru looked at the tails and for the second time today, somebody counted anba's tails. He suddenly became even more pale.

“i have something for you snake sannin. I expect it to be done with utmost care. it hurts me in any way I will end you before you can pick your next vessel.” I handed him a scroll. He opened it and his eyes widened.

“you can't be serious?!! what will I get in return for something like this?” he asked cautiously.

“Thirty-three million.” he looked at me in shock and then in disbelief.

“fine. But you didn't get it from me. You found it got it?” I nodded my head and conjured three suit cases full of money. “pleasure doing business with you. He disappeared and in his place was a large scroll.

A scroll to teach how to do the edo tensei.

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