I layed her on the bed and went to change.

After getting freshen up,i tried waking her up.

"Wifey get up and have your dinner before sleeping or else your mother in law will kill me'' i whispered in her ear and she smiled before getting up lazily. She gave her hands to me asking to pick her up. I smiled and took her to the washroom.

She came out fresh after changing into simple trouser and micky mouse t-shirt which i already hanged before waking her up.

She looked breathtaking to me in this simple t-shirt also. Her fair complexion and blushy checks with pointed nose and plummy lips looked so delicious to me. She came forward and placed her head on my shoulder sleepily.

"I'm feeling sleepy i don't want to have dinner i'm tired." She whispered.

I was observing that she's losing her weight and she was acting really lazy from last week. I think i need to take her to the hospital tomorrow.

'No baby get up i'll feed you" i said and started feeding her with my hands. Most of the time i feed her cuz she really likes it when i feed her.

She had hardly four morsels and denied eating anymore. I don't wanted to force her so i just pulled her to bed.

I really feel like she's my baby. Cuz i feed her,i put her to bed and i ba....forget it.

After finishing my dinner i laid down beside her and instantly she flew in my arms.

''I love you" she said in her sleep.

"I love you too wifey'' i said and kissed her forehead before sleep consumed me.

Aaira Hyderi's Pov:

I smiled as soon as i opened my eyes. My love was sleeping beside me like a baby and i was clutching onto him like a leech. Seriously i got very bad cuddling habits after i got married.

But who cares my husband loves when i cuddle him. I smiled and snuggled more into his neck.

"It's ticklish wifey'' i heard his sleepy voice. I stopped snuggling and kissed his lips i don't wanted to wake him up that's why i resist myself from kissing his lips so far. But now as he woke up i can't stop myself.

"Good morning Mr.husband" i greeted.

"Morning wifey'' he said returning the kiss back and i really enjoyed until my stomach started hurting and i felt like throwing up.

I pushed Him back and rushed towards the washroom.

I started throwing up everything which i ate last night and Dhahnial came running towards me.

He held my hair and started rubbing my back worriedly. Once i was done with throwing up i risin my mouth brushed my teeth and came out of washroom.

"We are going to the hospital" Dhahnial announced

"Please Dhahnial i just throwed up cuz i slept last night as soon as i had dinner. Its common. Stop acting like i'm seriously sick or dying." I tried to be funny. But to my luck it didn't worked he was still staring me.

''Shut up and get ready" i tried reasoning him but suddenly my head started spinning before i could think i landed on his arms. The last think before blackout i remember was his tensed face.

Dhahnial Hyderi's pov:

"How is my wife doctor? Why she fainted out of blue? Is everything fine doctor?" I asked the doctor as soon as he was done with checking Aaira.

Being The Billionaires Stuborn Beauty (Completed☑️)Where stories live. Discover now