chapter 5

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Aaira Hassan's POV:

It's been three days since we came to Farmhouse.

After that day I didn't witnessed Dhanial. Thank god.i don't like people who tries to control me or get over friendly with me.

Whatever I thought and went towards the garden area.

"Aaru...." I heard Hamza and turned towards him .

And there he was Mr.Dhanial Hyderi standing right beside my brother and giving me annoying glares.

"Yeah..?" I asked

"What are you wearing aaru ?" Furiously he asked then I looked down for what I was wearing.

"Just go inside and get changed." He said.

I was just wearing a normal off shoulder top with a mini skirt. Nothing wrong in this right  ?

"You can't wear this sort of clothes here." He started pushing me inside the house.

"Excuse me ? My wish I can wear whatever I like you are no one to stop me hamza."  My anger had no limits.

"And don't shout at me infront of others . It irritates me." I pointed towards Dhanial.

"Behave yourself Aaira you are talking to your brother." Haadi said.

"Then ask my so called brother to behave himself too he can't tell me what to wear and what not to wear ."  What's wrong with all of them I thought.

"A covered Muslim women in Islam defines dignity ."  Dhanial said I turned to face him.

"The messenger of Allah (SAW)said "women who will be dressed but appeared to be naked, inviting the evil; and they themselves will be inclined to it.THEY WILL NOT ENTER JANNAH" just a hadith hope people understand its meaning."
He said meekly nodding his head.

Does that mean I'll not enter JANNAH?

"Khair take care man I'm leaving I don't want to enter the hell by looking at your sister in this sort of clothes. Bye."  I felt ashamed. First I argued with my brothers who were stopping me from wearing this sort of clothes then I shouted on him .

I really felt Dhanial's words. His each and every word touched my heart.

I was wearing this clothes every day in California. My family tried to stop me but I didn't.

After listening to him I'm really feeling ashamed of myself.

Now he was leaving from there without giving me a look .

"Wa...wait I...Il I'll get changed.

I....I'm going."  I said and my both brothers were shocked.

"Yeah alright." After recovering the shock haadi said.

And I went Inside my room .

As I saw in my bag I only had tank tops, trousers,  tshirts,  night suits,  jeans,  leather jackets and skirts.

I had nothing to wear right now.

Aghhhhh god I need something good to wear I shouted .

"Bibi ji may I help you ." Aamna our maid entered my room .yes she came with us.

"Yes Aamna . You know I don't have anything to wear here . I mean anything which would cover me fully .

Anything which will make me look decent and stop me from entering to hell."  I yelled.

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