chapter 3

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Aaira Hassan's pov:

"Where we'll be staying ?" I asked Haadi as soon as we landed in India.

"Don't have any idea sis." He replied.

"Dad said that we are going to stay at a farm house." Hamza informed us. Wait farm house?

Where it would be? definitely it would be in shimla cuz Dad used to take us there in our vacations .when mom .....aghh let it go.

"Okay...And where is that farm house located ?mysore, shimla,or Kashmir." I wondered.

"Let's have our breakfast first before we start our road journey. It might be a long journey." Dad said.

"Where are we going Dad" haadi asked.

"Farmhouse." Yeah we know that.

"And where exactly is that farm house located?"  This time hamza asked.

"A village....." Did I heard a village?  Yes you did dumbo my subconscious knocked me.

"A what ....." I guess haadi was as shocked as me cuz we never visit any villages for our trips and I think this was the first time.

"You guys heard me...come on let's get going." He told us and started moving from there along with my brothers.

What's wrong with him ? I thought

"Aaru come..." hamza called me and I started walking with them

We had our breakfast then we started our journey .

In the middle of the journey Dad's excited voice was heard.

"So I have a suprise for you guys ." Cheerfully dad said but no one where interested in his surprise.

My brothers sighted along with me.


"Aren't you guys excited?"  Dad asked again.

"Yipppeyyy what's the suprise Dad ....." haadi was trying to act excited or i can say overreact

"We will be staying with my old friend Farooq and his family." I don't have any idea who they are and i don't even want to know about them .

But dad's relatives and friends where like.....aghhh u guys know what I'm trying to say.

"Oh crap..." hamza mumbled to himself but was heard by everyone including dad that's why he asked...


"No dad nothing."  Hamza replied

"Okay then behave yourselves infront of them..." huh what does he think we are ?

"We are not kids anymore Dad." Exactly i was trying to say.

"Yeah I know." Dad smiled at me but I turned my face to the other side.

As told by Dad it was a really really long and tiring journey.

Finally haadi got down of the car after waking me up from sleep.

"Ahhhhhh" As soon as i got down from the car i realized that i have accidentally hurt someone by opening the door and breaking there nose or head i don't know.

"oh my god....I'm so sorry . Are you alright ." I asked that person. Why I'm i so clumsy god why....?

"Nah I'm fine . Just be careful next time." I heard a manly voice. AND then that person finally raised his head .

AND I SAW HIM.....The only words which left from my mouth were Masha Allah .....

He was wearing a white kurta . His hair were properly set and they looked really soft and silky i just wanted to run my hands in them.

He had charcoal eyes which held different emotions . He had a perfect pointed sharp nose. And coming to his lips ....oh my god I'm jealous of him his lips looked better than mine i mean more softer and.....Ahhhh Aaira get a grip i scolded myself.

I realized it was already night.The moonlight was falling exactly on him . And the wind around us was different. Like a peaceful one.....i felt relaxed after so many years.

I don't know how long i stared him but one thing i knew he was also checking me out just like me....

"Aaru ...?" Our moments were disturbed by haadi's voice.

And we both came to reality he averted his gaze from me but i couldn't. Haadi snapped his hand in front of me . And i realized what i was doing .

"What's wrong aaru ?" Hamza asked coming out of nowhere.

This time i gazed down and said

"Nothing he just came in front of my door when i was getting down and got himself hurt. And i also told him to be careful next time." After listening to me i heard a not so cool voice.

"Huh excuse me miss...i think i was the one who asked you to be careful next time . And you also said sorry for hurting me didn't you ?" Yes i did what's the big deal now.

"Look mr.whatever i don't care just move from my way ." I started moving away but he again stepped ahead of me . How dare he stepped forward infront of my brothers.

I glared him and je returned my glare with a tight smile saying....

"Not before you apologies to me once again in a correct manner."

"Huh are you nut crack ? Why should i again apologies to you when i already did ." He is really a mad person.

"Because you lied to your brother and elaborated a false story which shows my mistake not yours." What the hell....

"When i did that...?" I questioned back.

"Just now." He was standing six feet tall infront of 5'3 feet me . And not to forget the look which he had on his face .

"I think you are definitely a nutshell." I said in a really irritated tone . He was going to say something when haadi intrupted.

"Guysss .....we would love to enjoy your argument here . But you see I'm really tired for any entitetainment right now."  He sounds tired . Yeah we all where tired of the journey.

"And aaru just now we reached India and you got yourself in trouble ?" Why is he scolding me...

"No hamza he...." i was saying to hamza when Mr.whatever decided to give a brotherly hug to hamza saying...

"Hey man this is Dhahnial....Dhahnial Hyderi." Oh his name is Dhahnial .....nice name i thought.

"Hey buddy of course i know you who wouldn't . And I'm Hamza hassan and he is my brother Haadi . And she...."my brother returned the hug and introduced us.

"Is my sister....Aaira Hassan please don't mind her ." Why would he mind first of all he doesn't have a mind...

"Of course not . I don't mind kiddos." He said and winked at me and i really get pissed of when someone call me a kiddo.

"Huh excuse me you called me a kid just now didn't you ?" I hate this man already.....

"Yes i did." Aghhhhh


Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.

Finally our Dhahnial and Aaira met each other....😆

And they also had some checking out moments there🤩 guys liked it ?

And what do you guys think Dhahnial is doing in a village?🤔lemme know in your comments below.

Don't forget to vote and share on our story .

Till next chapter Allah hafiz bye and take care.

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