"My apologies, your highness," I said bowing down with a hand over my heart. Baring my loyalty towards him.

"If I knew you would use your position as my second in command to forever address me so formally, I would have never bestowed it to you," Sam said tiredly twirling his drink in his glass.

"Your brothers will be here soon your highness," I said as his attention shifted towards paperwork.

"Ah, everything went well with the shipment then?" He asked cocking a brow.

"Very well, sending all three for them was under good consideration. It is a very large and expensive shipment after all. And we needed all of their connections for it to have worked so smoothly."

"I am glad to hear it." He said as he stood up and went to look over the window.

The forests beyond looked misty. The emerald green trees shrouded by an air of mystery.

Until a few months ago, he could gaze upon her every time he peered from that window.

The grunts of her training while an annoyance to me, were surely different for Sam.

He heard her improving, each wound she gathered was a testament to that. And while he never showed the concern to her, he always made me secretly order and deliver ointments to prevent scarring.

"Sage said the concoction works miraculously. Its effects on the test subjects are amazing." I said, trying to change the mood to a lighter note.

The successes of a long run experiment coming right.

"Hmm..." he mused.

"Well, that's good to hear. I will be sure to inform Zara of our plans shortly."

I frowned.

"But your highness we had already lied to her about postponing the date to see where her loyalties lie."

"I am well aware Stilts, but I have no intention of letting her stay there and be corrupted by those godforsaken creatures longer than she has to. Besides, we would need her help if it all has to work anyways." He explained calmly.

I could hear the slight fear in his voice, that gave him away despite his cool control.

He was afraid she would drift away from him.

The vampire king was so desperate that he was willing to place a plan as big as this. Something he has taken years to concoct into risk and jeopardy.

All for her.

My jaw clenched.

"And if she betrays you, your highness?" I asked.

"She won't" he declared. His tone finalizing.

The king always had plans and backup plans for everything.

And yet for that girl... he was willing to put all his trust in her and go in blind.

"Very well, I shall see to the shipment's arrival then your highness," I said bowing before turning to leave the room.

Perhaps it was alright for him to not worry. Because as long as I am around no one and nothing will get in his way.

Not even his precious Zara.

Zara POV

I pushed blaze out of the way and followed after the kid as he raced out, recklessly abandoning his bags.

"Hey wait," I called out after him.

Damn, when did he become so fast at running?

Without my wolf, I wouldn't be able to keep up.

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