Chapter 90

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As promised, I had let Zian out once or twice every week as per her demands so she could have a run. My wolf and I mostly had a sane relationship now. She would joke around with me and talk more than she used to.

But the whole Blaze situation was irking both of us.

He would take me out for dates and get me roses. Every. Single. Day. If this was some teen drama he would be elected mister date-worthy.

More than once I had to prevent myself from ripping off his eyebrow piercing.

What was most extravagant was how he got a new car because of me. Because of how I took off when he had expected me to get in.

He was always next to me, boxing me in wherever I went. I was overloaded. I didn't think he would sneakily book dates every day just because I agreed to go out with him. Talk about taking the maximum advantage. I almost couldn't wait for the war to be here.

During one of the classes, I felt enough was enough and I jumped out the window. I knew he would find me soon but I didn't care at this point.

I went to the bleachers, finally getting some fresh air.

Just as I predicted he tracked my scent in five minutes flat. He was taking a leisurely stroll up to me and I scowled at that.

I didn't like this setting. It was at a place like this, the High school bleachers that he first hit me. The humiliation. The blood.

My expression darkened as I watched him and he looked at me confused. After a second realization struck him. He knew why and had the gall to look ashamed. I don't like how he could read me so easily nowadays. Like an open book. Maybe it's the bond or just instinct. So how long until he found out about Sam?

"I need my alone time,"I growled at him as he handed me a sandwich. I didn't eat well today morning and he noticed. I was feeling too overwhelmed and my appetite took a hit because of it.

"Well as long as it's with me you can be alone as long as you want luna," he said and my expression darkened further.

"I'm kidding," he said raising his hands in a surrender motion and sighed.

"Listen, I know I can be overbearing sometimes. I just get so anxious at the thought of losing you but I realize it's not fair to you. I can't force you to spend so much time with me." He explained.

I could feel my expression softening. Male wolves especially alphas found it difficult to not be possessive or spend a few hours away from their mates. So with Blaze, with instincts stronger than an alpha's. I could imagine his reluctance. Especially when I still hadn't accepted him. But he may have finally realized his behavior wasn't helping his case.

"You have three hours." He announced.

"You can go out for a run or to the library and do anything you want. I won't bother you for these three hours. But wherever you are I will track you down after that."

I felt a tinge in my heart at that.

For the first time, he cared about what I wanted. I knew it shouldn't make me so happy but I couldn't help it.

"Five hours." I bargained.

"Four." He sighed exasperatedly.

"Deal!" I said before stuffing the sandwich in my mouth before taking off. He laughed at my excitement and for once I didn't mind. I opened the bond slightly to show my appreciation and his eyes widened.

I didn't let myself enjoy his shocked expression as I didn't want to lose a minute of my precious time.


I shifted mid-air and ran for the woods. I could feel his gaze on my back until I had disappeared. I retreated back into my mind to catch a break while I relinquished all the controls to Zian. It felt incredible. I felt elated. Finally.

Home sweet home.


Blaze POV.

I still count believe that she opened the bond to me. It was ever so slight and I still couldn't read her thoughts but it was enough to communicate via mind link. I was elated.

Finally one step forwards.

It is the right thing to do. Xavier reassured me.

Her expression when I told her she could be alone looked so cute. She looked like she would cry.

We are finally making some leeway with her. But why did I still feel so unsettled? I know I promised Zara to remove all guards, but at least for this run when she is alone, I had posted guards and cameras for her safety. Hopefully, she didn't think much of it.

I looked around, it was at bleachers like this that I had... hurt her that time. What was I thinking? It still haunted me. Causing her that pain.

I wanted to hug and console her but something told me she wouldn't appreciate that gesture so I just changed the topic.

But we still moved one step forward today. And nothing could take away the sweet taste of my efforts. 

Or that's what I thought. 

I should have known better though. 

Finding myselfOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz