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Hi everyone,

Welcome to the Q&A.  I hope you all enjoyed this book and the long journey we have had together. I hope you got something out of reading the book as well. I am all for female empowerment but I have read one too many books where the female lead forgives the most atrocious sins of the male lead just because they are mates. Either that or he was perfect and had no flaws lol. 

Not that I am complaining. Every girl needs her fantasy read here and there. But I wanted this story to convey a different message. Where the breakup was sole because the female lead simply chose herself over her mate. Her mental health and her self-respect were placed above everything else and that is a realistic end I hope you can all understand. 

Blaze might have become a better person by then, but there were still some consequences for his past actions and some things can't be forgiven just because you are fated to be together. In some ways, he might have thought they would end up together regardless of what he did or how bad he was to her (which made him cocky in several chapters.) But at least he understood in the end. Nevertheless, I didn't want to vilify him. And I want to give him a good ending too. As best as he could get realistically. This is why Zara wishes the best for him. 

More than Blaze this has been about her growth as a person, It wasn't a romance book but a single character's arc- Zara's. And it was mostly about her coming to accept herself, realizing she was enough, and finding inner peace.  

Additionally, I would like to take the time to give a shoutout to one of my most loyal readers.  sumwhereinthemiddle has been a very patient and loyal reader throughout the years and has constantly been in touch with me via Instagram and Wattpad itself. (I am not able to the reader due to some issues with my Wattpad.)She has been frequently messaging and chatting up with me every few months or so asking me to complete this book. She is one of the reasons why I decided to complete this book. Every writer wishes for readers to get engaged in their stories as much as they enjoy writing them.  And I had told my readers in one of my previous comments that I would keep this book going if I had just one person being touched by this story the way I intended it to be(and more). I have been very lucky in that sense. Thank you for your support through all these years and any writer would be lucky to have a reader half as persistent as you.

In fact, most of the questions I am about to answer were posted by this reader.

I am sure there are many more of you who have been equally patient with me through the years. And I really, really, really appreciate your support. If you don't see your name up here, please don't be disappointed. The reader I mentioned has been the one to reach the most to me and I believe she deserves to be credited for that.

But moving on, I hope you all enjoyed this book and enjoyed the bittersweet ending. I was going for a bit of pain, a bit of spice, and a bit of satisfying sweetness. I am not sure many of you got that or understood that and all of your very many different opinions are welcome.  I am sure to be intrigued by your takes on this.  I have been on a bit of a journey myself and I am very interested to know if you guys had any thoughts on this too. Feel free to comment or write on my wall or DM me. I will be sure to reply ;)

And now finally, I will finally get to answering the questions.  Hope this answers some of your questions as well and settle some doubts you have all been having.

1. Will Zara not find a heart to forgive Blaze?

There is no one fixed end. She may or she may not. Right now she sees accepting Blaze(despite however much she is attracted to him) as a challenge to her self-respect and as an insult to the pain she has been through and her past traumas. Until she can get over this notion it is highly unlikely that they get together, regardless of how she feels for him.

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