Chapter 14: All I Have

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"So what's the deal? Why we had to meet all the way out here?" Mike walked to edge of the cliff as I continued to look over the city

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"So what's the deal? Why we had to meet all the way out here?" Mike walked to edge of the cliff as I continued to look over the city.

"Dre's got me taking care of some business." My eyes wandered off making sure we were the only ones around. "You bring what I asked for?" I leaned against my car as he reached into his back pocket.

"Fasho." He smacked his lips. "All black no tracer." He mocked and I shook my head.

"Thanks." I slipped the new burner into my jacket.

"So what's up?" He began to spark a joint. "What Dre got you up to now?" He took the first hit letting his head fall back.

"Sean's M.I.A." I said flatly.

"Damn?" He sighed shaking his head. "Need a hit?" He gestured and I instantly scoffed.

"You know I'm not into that shit anymore." I flagged as I checked our surroundings again.

"Aye, ain't nun like a lil relapse." He blew his next hit into my face and I pushed his chest. "You're such a bad influence." I waved the remaining smoke from my face.

"The one and only." He began to laugh and choke all at once.

"That's whatcho ass get." I shook my head again pulling out Cory's phone.

With Sean's location still pulsing in the same place, I figured I had enough time to mellow out.

"I'm assuming you know where he is." Mike's voice called for my attention as I caught him eyeing down at the phone.

"Yeah, about twenty miles east of here." I confirmed.

"Hmph." He nodded walking in front of me towards the back of his car. "You need any backup? You know I got that heat." He began to rummage through his trunk.

Nearing his side, I looked down as he showed me the few weapons he had stored away. "I know you believe in using your own shit, but I got som-"

"Nah nah." I shook with my hand out. "I'm good." He shrugged securing his duffel back. "I just wanna find out who shot Cor." I huffed looking out to the city again. "I mean who would actually wanna kill him?" I finally asked though more to myself.

"Don't worry." Mike slammed down his trunk. "Dre's already got me on witness protection." He sounded his alarm locking his car back.

"Already?" I looked up in disbelief.

"I mean whatchu think was goin happen?" He smacked his lips. "Ya boy get blasted and Dre not call in reinforcements?" He shrugged off blowing out yet another puff of smoke. "I will say this though-" he paused a bit as he began to cough again. "You handled yourself tonight."

I scoffed not really wanting to touch base on the Chris situation. "Man fuck that fool." I could feel my temper rising all over again.

"You know Chris ain't worth shit and ain't neva goin' be shit." He simplified as if the sight of that mutt didn't make his blood boil over either.

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