Chapter 4: Times After The Next

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Diary Entry

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Diary Entry

Lonely in my thoughts, lost in mind. Today is a new day; wish things would just rewind. When is the last day before the divine, as I listen to these teachers half-ass at a time.

Ever since the boys came to the shop last week, they've been pestering me non-stop during and outside of class.

Donnie or should I say Xavier happens to be the brains of the crew and is always asking me about the damn gadget wrapped around my ankle. Michael aka Cory is the comedian, always cracking a joke whenever he sees fit and is also the sweetheart.

With their questions and my vague ass answers, they've essentially become my personal entertainment.

And may just be the reason I've had perfect attendance the last few days.

I said may...

Anyway, Splinter, or should I say Tyrone is the asshole of the group. Always having something smart to say and yet nothing to prove. Since our last interaction, he has yet to speak to me. However, he gives me these deceiving looks when we pass each other in the hallway and I actually find them quite humorous.

Hell, I've never seen anyone look so angry over nothing.

Last, but not least, Leo aka Sean, the Alpha. Oddly enough he's the quiet one and also the wisest. Yet he still hasn't said anything to me either. Like I've mentioned before, it's ironic since he had so much to say when we bumped into each other.

Occasionally he would look like he wanted to speak but doesn't. Or if I was joking around with Dre, he'll smile, and above all, if I caught him staring he didn't turn away. It's like he wants me to catch him in the act.

"Aye, Deshia! Wait up!!" I turned my head seeing Cory from behind.

Debating on whether to stop and wait for him to catch up, I slowed down my pace just a bit. After last week's behavior, I didn't want to be stuck in detention for the next forty-five minutes again.

I mean the least I can do is not draw attention to myself.

Hell, what I attract in the streets is already enough.

"Damn girl you walk fast." Cory tried to catch his breath as he caught up.

"No. I just walk with a purpose." I responded. "You play football." I said in a duh tone.

"Hell yeah! But that don't mean you letcha boy waste his breath."

"So what you're saying is the air you breathe is more precious than mine?" My eyebrow went up hoping he wasn't as stupid as I thought.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I mean look at me." He made a muscle with his arm.

Rolling my eyes, I swatted the back of his neck. "Fool we breathe the same damn air."

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