Chapter 12: No Playing It Safe

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After putting in nearly three hours of labor at the shop, I finally stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed

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After putting in nearly three hours of labor at the shop, I finally stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed. As I wiped down the foggy mirror, my eyes began to trail along my body at the cuts and bruises. The old ones had yet to fade completely while the new ones made me shudder at the sight. With my eyes falling to the one place I was trying to overlook, a knock on my door caused me to jolt from my trance.

Quickly finding a shirt to throw over my head, my body jolted again as the knock became more prominent. Sighing to myself, I grabbed my glock from under the counter tripping the safety. With the barrel lowered to the floor, I walked at a side angle as my left eye went up to the peephole. Not seeing anyone in sight, I shut off the lights backing away from the door. Leaning up against the wall, I unlocked the door letting gravity pull at its weight. As I aimed my weapon at an angle, a dark figure appeared into the light.

With their head raised high and a notable ring on their finger, I flipped back on the lights.

"Well hello to you too." Calvin smiled.

"Really Calv?" I huffed shutting the door.

"What?" He began to look around. "I had to make it look suspenseful."

"You could've called." I disarmed my weapon.

"And what good would that have done?" I shook my head placing it back into its holder. "Plus it's fun seeing you in your element." He turned around giving me another smile.

Showing the face of annoyance, my inner emotions urged me to crash into his chest. Before I could even stop them from falling, tears began to cover my cheeks.

Normally I couldn't be so vulnerable like this, but when it came to Calv, he brought a different side out of me.

"Sorry, it took me so long mama." He consoled my back.

"It's fine." I wiped my face in hopes to pull myself together. "How much time do we have?"

"Never mind that." He looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you okay?"

I tried to hide that I still was in pain from a few nights ago. "Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded.

"Qué es mama? What else is wrong?" He pressed.

"Nothing." I shook my head. "I'm just happy you're here." I began to get choked up.

"Merci c'mon, I know you better than anyone. What else is it?" I shook my head again.

"Calv I just can't do this anymore."  I finally released.

"Can't do what?" He pleaded.

"School, the lies, the constantly looking over my shoulder debating on whether my time is finally up. I mean look-" I exposed myself. "Would you want anyone who is covered in bullet wounds and slash marks?" His eyes diverted away out of respect and I huffed knowing I was going a bit far. "All I'm saying is I feel like a deer in headlights. I don't even remember the last time I trained or went to the gun range since I've been back. It's like I'm a robot." I pouted looking around at my apartment.

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