Birthday (Speical Event)

Start from the beginning

"Hey! Hey! I made this all happen!" shouts Kai walking up to me.

"You did? I put all the ribbons up!" argues Cole.

"I made a cake!"

"I blew up the balloons!"

Walking over to the colorful ninja pulling all of them into a hug. "I don't care who did what. You all did this."

Their arms wrapping around each other and me. I was basically in the middle being crushed by everyone. "Thank you."

"Can we eat now?" asks Cole looking back at the cake. "Cause if you don't eat it soon, I will."

"Is that a threat?"

"It will be."

"I get the first slice!"

"Let me get the candles!"

"I'm lighting them!"

"You will set the house on fire, Kai!"

"Can we just eat the cake...?"

Sitting on my floor in my room I look at all the presents I got. Zane got me a book. Nya got me a bracelet, so we can match, Jay got me a giant sweater. Cole got me a bunch of my favorite snacks, and Kai got me some hats.

But nothing from Lloyd.

I didn't bring it up back when we were opening presents. He looked like his normal self back there. The green ninja he is.

It does hurt. Knowing the guy you like doesn't give you anything. But hey. Maybe he's broke or didn't have any time.

I heard a knock coming from my door, looking back I see the door peer open. The man of the hour, in my head, Lloyd Garmadon.

"Hey, I brought you the last slice of cake. Cole and Jay were fighting over it," he says welcoming himself in my room.

He joins me on the floor handing me the slice of cake. I smile taking the cake from him. "Thank you."

Eating the cake up slowly, since it was kinda awkward that I was the only one eating. "Did you enjoy your party?"

I nod my head placing the plate of cake down on the floor. "I really did. I have no other parties to compare it to, so it's definitely number one."

"You have... have some cake on your cake. Here," he points to the left side of his face.

I mirror him, lick that side of my face. But I didn't feel any frosting on my tongue.

"No, here."

Lloyd reaches his thumb out to my lips. I watching his hand as it touched the right side of my face, cleaning up the frosting.

I felt I looked like a tomato. His thumb was so close to my lips.

"Uh... can I?"

I nod my head as I watch him. His thumb with the frosting running across the lower part of his lip. His lips parted just the slightest to see his tongue. His tongue ran across his lower lip.

'Now... that is hot...'


My eyes trail to Lloyd's hand. Holding out was a golden necklace with a dragon on it. "I wanted to give it to you earlier. I just got... scared."

I smile brightly, taking my time to tease him, "Did the brave green ninja get scared?"

His eyebrows rose, "I- you... Just turn around."

I giggle turning around. I hear the lock unlock and Lloyd's hand trailing across my neck. Pulling the necklace back behind my neck, the clicking sound erasures me it's on.

Turning back towards him, I look down at the necklace. It was really pretty. The gold dragon reminded me of him. Whenever we went out on our dragons.

"It's amazing, Lloyd. Thank you so much," I say looking into his green eyes. Though his eyes didn't meet mine.

His hand rose to reach out, his fingers holding the dragon. "I knew you would like it."

But his hand didn't leave, it moved. His fingers brushing up my collarbone, slowly to my shoulder. His soft touch lingering.

His head leaning inward, closer to mine. All I could focus on was his lips. His eyes were closed.

I closed my eyes feeling the warm air blowing on my lips. From his lips.

Shooting upward breathing heavily, I look around my room. It was empty. No presents. Only the light shining in through the windows.

My hand reaches to my neck, hoping to feel the golden dragon. But nothing was there.

A loud sigh escapes my lips.


My door shot open seeing Kai standing there tall in his tank top and pajama pants. His hair was messier than his normal hair. "What, Kai?"

"Breakfast is ready. Get up and out of bed or we are eating all of it."

"Usually I'm the one waking you up."

"It's almost noon. Now get up."

"Yeah, yeah! Close the door!" I say waving him out. He did as I asked, closing the door behind him.

All I could think was Lloyd. And that necklace. The cake. His lips.

"It was just a dream..."

Did you really think you would kiss the green ninja now? No no. Not until it actually happens. ;)

Also here is the necklace.

Also here is the necklace

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