Chapter 18 - Is cardiac arrest common?

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As a response, Leo gave a sultry smile and said completely unexpected. "I haven't the slightest idea on what you are on about. Regardless though, I wouldn't mind taking you up on that bet of yours..."

Holy mother of Jesus. Is he FLIRTING with me? ME? Isn't he straight? This is too much for me. I'm going to die from cardiac arrest confirmed. Clearly, it was too much for me because my entire face was as red as a tomato and I went back to sputtering like a speed boat. "An-Anyway let's get down to business. The sooner we start, the sooner I'm out." Quite literally.

The CEO gave off a hot chortle and asked another unexpected question. "Before we get there, want some Scotch? To relax a bit and commemorate the informality?" He didn't even wait for my response before he reached for the bottle along with two glasses from under the table.

I threw a wide grin his way and singsonged an answer anyway. "Now you're speaking my language. Also, should I be concerned that you have alcohol right under the table, within reach?"

"Oi, you can't blame me here. I have long nights regularly and have to deal with shitty people almost on a daily basis." Leo poured the drinks for the both of us and smoothly slid my glass right in front of me.

I took a sip and quietly moaned of appreciation. "Thank you. And what type of long nights are we talking about here? Surely the good kind." (a smirk was accompanied with the last question)

Leo's alluring smile was back and simply replied, "Wouldn't you want to know..." and then proceeds to take a sip of the scotch... all while keeping deep eye contact with me.

I should've seen that coming. I felt the redness returned again and before it went full blast, I fake cleared my throat and diverted the conversation elsewhere. "So Leo... what do you want to know and where do I begin?"

He gave a contemplative hum before having asked in a matter-of-fact way, "why don't you tell me everything from yesterday? Starting from the moment you woke up?"


Once I was done retelling everything, excluding the stuff I couldn't actually tell, we fell silent (after Leo only said blimey as a closing statement). It wasn't awkward or anything, rather was was quite comfortable. The silence was mainly due to Leo processing and thinking how to respond. My silence was due to the fact that my mouth was salivating from talking so much. I'm thirsty. I can't believe I finished two glasses whilst retelling all that shit. I felt a pleasant buzz from the alcohol and felt very warmed up. It warmed me up so much that I had to take off my hoodie halfway through the recall and I was definitely sure Leo was looking very intently during the entire process. It kind of fed my ego. I was currently looking out of the windows behind boss sir and observed the clouds passing by the night sky as a method to kill time. Now I want to fly through the clouds. I have been having random impulses to do shit these days... am I finally at an age where I can be called old? Well then again, Leo is like 4 years older than me and he is still called the youngest, richest, hottest bachelor of the century so maybe it won't be fair on him. God what I would do to taste some of the clou-

"Well thank you Nero. For telling me everything you went through yesterday." I blinked out of my daze and focused back on the man in front of me. He was a laid back posture but was rocking a serious look. He had both his elbows on the desk in front of him and was leaning his chin on the back of his clasp hands in front of him. He added on with his honey dripping voice (I will never be tired of it) "I can truly empathise as I myself have experienced a horrendous day like that... multiple times." I saw him visibly shudder just from the thought of it which brought a semi-fond, semi-humoured smile to my face.

"Yeah well I'd like to apologise for what happened anyway. It still is partially my fault after all." My smile turns a bit regretful and I looked down at my whiskey glass. I traced the rim with my right index finger slowly, when I got lost in my words.

Secrets and Things (MxM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن