Unknown Territory

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"I've never been the most important thing to anybody; not even myself."


                              James's P.O.V.


A common thing for James.

Nightmares are triggered by many things. Anxiety, stress, depression, major change. Honestly, there were a number of psychological triggers that cause nightmares.

The funny thing about nightmares though is that they can be caused by anxiety or cause anxiety. James was left with the impact of both.

James sighed, running a hand through her hair. She had woken in a cold sweat.

Another cause of nightmares was trauma, and James had been through a lot of that. She rolled over her hand coming in contact with a hard chest making her stiffen up.

She quickly sat up releasing a breathe when she realized it was just Sean. His head was squished up against the pillow drool on his cheek; lips parted. A fond smile came to her face as she gazed at him.

His curly hair was a mess flying in all directions, half of it puffed out the other half pressed against the pillow he was currently holding like a lifeline.

After dinner Sean put on a movie, handing her a sketchbook and some pencils Owen had picked up. James was forever grateful and drew some of her problems away. Letting herself use her art as her therapy.

At some point or another Sean insisted she should go to bed, James didn't argue too much because her headache had become almost unbearable. She asked Sean to stay for cuddles, turns out the doctor was just as tired as she was.

Poor guy.

There were still bag's under his eyes, she couldn't imagine being so young and being so ahead in life. As much as Sean played the silly, chill, happy going one he was incredibly smart. To become a Doctor so young-even with the help of the academy you needed brains for that.

As much as she hated hospitals it was nice seeing him in his element yesterday. Seeing him interact with his other coworkers, talk to patients, come up with plans for her.

He truly loved his job.

It's why she wanted to work through her fear of hospitals, it was Sean's life.

Besides James needed to start facing her problems not running away all the time.

She snorted, even in her head that sounded like bullshit. She pulled the blanket up closer eyes moving to the bedside table carefully plucking her phone off of it. She had numerous amounts of texts from the others.

She locked her phone again closing her eyes. She was such an awful person, she shouldn't have just left them yesterday-but she knew her body and she knew they would all be on her asking her too many questions.

God, what a fucking day.

"What time is it?" Sean's sleepy voice questioned, she glanced at him to find him sitting up on his elbows partly, one hand rubbing at his eyes.

"Sexy O'clock in the morning, why didn't you tell me you were so handsome in the morning?" James questioned letting her eyes flick up and down his body.

Sean barked out a laugh a grin coming across his wide lips, "You like this look?" he questioned motioning to himself.

James nodded moving closer and placing a kiss to his cheek earning a blush from the other man. "Morning's are my favorite time no one can hide you know? That moment when you first wake up, no makeup, no masks, your body's trying to keep up with your mind. Those first few moments..."

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