Bang Bang He Dead

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"My best dreams and my worse nightmares have the same people in them."


Blue eyes watched her lifeless. Blood dripped out of them, hitting the ground with a splash.

Nathan's normally fluffy red hair looked dry and dead. Dirt mixed with blood making the pieces stick together in clumps.

His face was bruised, dark purple marks on hollow cheeks.

"Red," she whimpered moving towards him. He glared at her making her freeze. It looks so off on his face.

"Don't touch me," he spat. She felt like she had been slapped. What happened? Who hurt him?

"You did this," she turned eyes wide as Victor stood behind her he was limping. He looked just as bad as Nathan.

There normally pristine clothes were ripped in pieces showing off more bruises and cuts on their abdomens.

"I- what?" She choked out hand coming to cover her mouth. She did this?

"Of course you did it," a soft feminine voice called.

"M-mom?" She called, eyes wide.

Her mom laughed, the sound cynical making James flinch back. The women's red hair was matted blood pouring from the side of her head. Glass shards were covering her body the pieces falling to the ground as she walked circling James.

She was in the same clothes that she had died in. A tightly fitted pair of blue jeans and a black crop top. She looked exactly the same as that night too her young face staring at James.

It was so real it made James cry out. Her chest hurt, she couldn't breathe.

"You ruin everything you touched," She spoke her voice sharp sounding like razors to James. "Everywhere you go you cause death."

"You'll destroy them," A smoky baritone voice called.


"You killed us, baby," he whispered his eyes lifeless as he gazed at her. She let out a choked sob as she moved towards him reaching out. "You didn't save me."

"No, I tried," James was pushed back by her mother the woman glancing down at her coldly. Holding her tight in a steel grip.

It was all too familiar.

"You never learn, do you? Your soooo smart and yet you can never learn." She shook her head. "You'll destroy them if you stay."

"No-I won't there my friends!"

"You'll hurt us, James," Victor said glaring at her.

"You'll tear our team apart James," Nathan said shaking his head. "Is that what you want?"

"No!" Of course, she didn't. How could they think that!

"Liar," Her mom had a smirk across her lips coming up behind her. James felt the sharp cold metal of a gun pressing against her back. "You like watching everything around you burn? Don't you? You hate the world for what it's done to you and you want to tear everything apart. Don't you?"

"No! I just want to be happy!" James cried trying to get out of her mom's harsh grip. "I just want kindness, I want them."

"Too bad," Two shots rang out hitting the boys in the chest.

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