Falling Off The Edge

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"The more you care the more it hurts."

Sang's P.O.V.


Location: Gym

Sang couldn't help but feel a wave of anger as James spoke to her telling her about what happened with Karen.

"So you were friends?" Sang asked the redhead leaning against one of the lockers. She ran a hand over the red gym shirt she was wearing double-checking her phone was still tucked into her bra.

James was wearing the same shirt but with a black long sleeve one underneath more than likely to hide her scars. A pair of loose-fitting sweatpants to go along with them. Her hair was tied into a low ponytail, pulled away from her face.

James looked beautiful even with the large bruise across her cheek. Her eyes were big and wide and when they were focused on Sang it always made her heart jump.

Right now though James just looked so sad.

And Sang wanted to do anything to fix that. To bring a smile to her friend's face like James does to her own...

"There have been people who I thought were my friends...but they just hurt me or leave me," James spoke softly her voice sounding pained. "One of my old foster brothers...he said we were friends but he always expected something from me you know? Karen? She...I thought we might be. We had talked for a week and I thought hey maybe this school isn't that bad. But then things happened with Jade and she ghosted me. Friends don't do that right? Or not good ones at least."

Sang's felt her hand tighten with anger slightly. Why would Karen do that? She could have easily talked to her. So what she heard some rumors about James, Sang did too and she didn't just leave the redhead.

So what Jade might target her say some mean things to her, but it would be worth it to stay by James's side.

"No...it's not a good friend. Look at everything you've done for me. That's being a good friend, look at everything the boys do. That's what friendship is like not leaving when it gets too hard or complicated."

James shrugged, laughing the sound hallow a strained smile on her face. "That's-I've never had a real friend. I didn't know what a real friend could be till a saw your innocent face and big green eyes. You and the boy's that the closest I've ever gotten to a real friendship anyone else just...Wanted parts of me I guess." she paused eyes looking so broken that it hurt. "Everyone always leaves one way or another...I'm just going to enjoy it well it lasts."

Sang's heart stopped she grabbed James's hands holding them tightly. "I'm not leaving. Okay? I am not leaving."

James nodded taking in a sharp breath.

"Promise me you know that right James. If you can believe one thing it's that I'm not going anywhere." Sang said sternly she would do everything in her power to make the redhead see that. To show the shorter girl that not everyone gives up just because there were emotions involved.

She suddenly felt a deep hatred towards the people who wronged James. The redhead hadn't mentioned her foster brother before.

And it seemed like more happened there. The way James's eyes had drifted a pain look filling up in them.

And Karen, Sang understood not wanting to be surrounded by drama. It's why she stayed to herself at her past school but this was different.

The boys were gaining more attention with having to wear academy uniforms and the thought of not being there friends physically pained Sang. She couldn't even imagine leaving the boys.

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